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Greetings Archers! Hope I got this in the correct forum, bring my first post and all.
Running Arch 0.7.2, fully updated, with the Gnome DE. I have built and rebuilt Alacarte from AUR and it simply will not allow me to create a new launcher item. I can create a new menu and add a separator just fine. Every time I try to make a new launcher everything looks good, I click the OK button in the Menu Item Properties dialog to create the launcher, but the item is never created in the menu.
I altered the PKGBUILD from /opt/gnome to /usr thinking that might help; nope, wrong. I have searched the forums and Google. I searched the wiki. The comments at AUR seem to indicate that it works for some and not others. I have yet to find any ideas to clue me in on my problem. I finally just wrote the darn .desktop file myself.
It almost seems as if Alacarte is conflicting with the built-in Gnome menu editor somehow. The built-in menu editor just crashes on me if I try to use it with Alacarte installed. Remove Alacarte and it works (such as it is) again.
Have I missed something in installation or configuration? Any and all ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.
if you want my advice, i would look in /opt/gnome/share/applications and /usr/share/applications and look at the .desktop files and create them for stuff you want added. Thats what i have done since all gnome menu editors suck imo.
Thanks for your reply ingvildr!
Yeah, I hear you. Writing the .desktop file was easy. Alacarte looks good and would be a "nice-to-have item" but there are other ways to get menu editing done.
I'll drop the dev an email and see if he has any ideas.