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#1 2018-11-02 01:20:42

From: AU
Registered: 2016-09-09
Posts: 7

Need Help UEFI GRUB Config On NVMe

I need some help here on setting up and configuring my UEFI boot config on NVMe SSD. This is on my newly built system and it supports UEFI. I've read a fair amount of stuff on the Arch Wiki about configuring UEFI booting, but I'm stuck here because I can't configure my grub-install because it's missing things to put into my /boot.

so I tried doing this in my initial setup phase for grub-install with the following;

# grub-install --target=x86_64-efi /dev/nvme0n1

but it tells me this;

Installing for x86_64-efi  platform
grub-install: error: cannot find EFI directory

this is the layout of my new partitions;

# lsblk

nvme0n1          259:0    0   931.5G  0  disk
|-nvme0n1p1      259:5    0   525M    0  part /boot
`-nvmv0n1p2      259:6    0   931G    0  part /

all the boot stuff is to go into the /boot directory, I have checked and was sure that I was doing everything correct, but now I'm not so sure. I tried making an efi directory inside of /boot as /boot/efi/EFI and just for referenced I even checked on my other machine which runs Linux Mint 19 and it's got that layout too, and I wanted to make it similar to that for my Arch install here, same with the partition layout too, hence only 2 partitions, the first being the one for boot which then gets mounted as /boot/efi. I've created no /swap partition because I'm gonna be using /swapfile instead as referenced in Swap wiki entry, which I've already setup.

do I need to add some extra option when using grub-install for doing x86_64-efi to point it to where the directory is ?

Last edited by Alkaris (2018-11-02 01:21:25)


#2 2018-11-02 01:45:59

From: Oklahoma City
Registered: 2018-10-13
Posts: 37

Re: Need Help UEFI GRUB Config On NVMe

You are booted in efi mode, right? You've got a /sys/firmware/efi directory?


#3 2018-11-02 01:47:24

From: AU
Registered: 2016-09-09
Posts: 7

Re: Need Help UEFI GRUB Config On NVMe

duaner wrote:

You are booted in efi mode, right? You've got a /sys/firmware/efi directory?

That's what I said in my main post. I have efivar list, therefore UEFI bootable.


#4 2018-11-02 02:05:25

From: .nz
Registered: 2009-05-09
Posts: 30,426

Re: Need Help UEFI GRUB Config On NVMe

Arch + dwm   •   Mercurial repos  •   Surfraw

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#5 2018-11-02 02:07:18

From: AU
Registered: 2016-09-09
Posts: 7

Re: Need Help UEFI GRUB Config On NVMe

Yes posting the link to the very wiki I've read because that's really helpful isn't it? I've read this over and over, it makes no sense.


#6 2018-11-02 02:13:23

From: .nz
Registered: 2009-05-09
Posts: 30,426

Re: Need Help UEFI GRUB Config On NVMe

Alkaris wrote:

Yes posting the link to the very wiki I've read because that's really helpful isn't it? I've read this over and over, it makes no sense.

Compare the install command that you used and the one in the wiki: they are significantly different (and there is even a note explaining why).

Arch + dwm   •   Mercurial repos  •   Surfraw

Registered Linux User #482438


#7 2018-11-02 15:55:24

Registered: 2014-04-16
Posts: 125

Re: Need Help UEFI GRUB Config On NVMe

Wiki notes that device paths are not supported when GRUB is used in UEFI mode. What you need to tell it is mounted device path, for example /boot/efi.

Alkaris wrote:

Yes posting the link to the very wiki I've read because that's really helpful isn't it? I've read this over and over, it makes no sense.

Calm down a bit, people are there because of passion not because they get paid to give you complete answer on a silver platter.

Last edited by PootisBird (2018-11-02 16:35:40)


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