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Pages: 1
Good day.
I've been an Arch user for about five years and didn't feel the need to ask for assistance on the forum as the wiki is comprehensive enough for my needs. Until now that is. I have an extra laptop lying around in my office and decided to convert it to a home theatre box. I installed Arch on it and it works perfectly. To slim the install down further I'd like to remove the hard drive and run my installation directly from an SD card in the laptops' built-in SD card reader. This is where I hit a wall. The SD card is picked up as /dev/mmcblk0 and doesn't seem to be in /dev/sdx
Here is the lsblk output:
sda 8:0 0 149.1G 0 disk
|-sda1 8:1 0 100M 0 part /boot
`-sda2 8:2 0 149G 0 part /
mmcblk0 179:0 0 14.7G 0 disk
I partitioned the sd card with gdisk (tried fdisk as well) with gdisk /dev/mmcblk0.
I made the EFI partition and the Linux partition, write it to disk. It says it was written successfully but I still cannot see the new partitions.
If I insert the sd card in another pc I can see the created partitions as it is picked up as sdc1 and sdc2.
This is the part where I'm stuck.
Last edited by WTFitsGeorge (2018-11-15 11:54:45)
If you are reading this you have way too much time on your hands.
Thanks for the fast reply. I should've checked it first before going on this whole quest. The SD card reader doesn't appear on the boot sequence in the UEFI/BIOS. So I guess I'm out of luck booting to SD.
If you are reading this you have way too much time on your hands.
If it's an older laptop, you should try MBR instead of efi/gpt partition.
Pages: 1