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I'm running Gnome with XGL and the Compiz WM, but I have a few problems I can't seem to get rid off..
When I open a new app. it takes a few seconds for it to open (you can see the border gradualy expanding).
EDIT: I fixed this, didnt notice it was in the wiki. However, when I minimize a window to the taskbar its smooth, but when I re-focus it using the taskbar, it takes a second for it to appear.
When I try to resize a window, it's really slow and laggy, I visited the wiki and ticked `stretch_texture` in `gconf-editor`, I noticed a small differance, but its still really slow...
If I press `SHIFT + BACKSPACE`, it kills XGL.. A little Googling around and I came up with:
DISPLAY=:$xgldisplay xmodmap -e "keycode = 22 BackSpace BackSpace Terminate_Server"
. This works fine when I'm in X, however, if I add the line to `/usr/bin/startxgl` (after compiz / gnome starts), it doesnt seem to get set...
My `super` key doesnt work (Windows key) at all...
I'm running with a ATI 9800 PRO and the quinn-cvs from danimoths repo.
Apart from that, XGL / Compiz are running fine, and I love it
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
-- eth0
Uhm , with the new compiz-quinn-cvs I have the same problem ( it work very slowly, and often it crash )... At the moment, I use compiz-git, waiting new commits on repo of Quinn and my new package
Edit: With your line, how I kill XGL? - The hotkey Shift + Backspace is very very 'bad' .... I would change it in Ctrl Alt Backspace.
Thanks you![/code]
Found a solution for the Xgl problem where pressing Shift-Backspace caused the X server to kill itself!
Run the following from a terminal:
xmodmap -e "keycode 22 = BackSpace"
That should fix it. Thanks to the Quick and Dirty Hacks blog for pointing this out.
UPDATE: From what I can tell, looks like this is required to be entered everytime X is restarted (when you logout/login or restart the machine), so best to put the command in a startup script for your desktop so you don't have to worry about entering it manually each time.
found it here...