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Next is a web browser written in Common Lisp that focuses on extreme configurability / extensibility. It takes a radically different approach when compared to most browsers:
While its design is inspired by Emacs in terms of extensibility, the bindings are fully configurable and VI-style bindings are obviously on the table!
You can install it from the AUR:
Not only the user experience is quite different, but the implementation as well. Most web browsers today suffer from a tight dependency to a specific web renderer, which means the latter's API breaks, the whole web browser becomes obsolete. We've seen this in the past with dwb, luakit, or more recently with Conkeror after the XUL deprecation from Firefox. The pattern is bound to follow with the trendy browser of the moment.
Next tries to bring an end to this madness by completely separating the renderer from the actual, Lisp-based browser. This approach should give us enough flexibility to port Next to any web renderer / GUI toolkit / OS combination and to be resilient to breakage. More details in the following article: …
2018-12-05: 1.1.0 just came out, with (at last!) proper GNU/Linux support. It's still alpha stage and thus some important features such as cookies are missing, but stay tuned, it won't be long until Next reaches full-blown maturity.
Last edited by Ambrevar (2018-12-05 13:52:59)
The "What's the problem with current browsers?" section in the thesis sounds very true and I'm currently looking for the options to switch too.
If this browser will have NoScript (Firefox's extension) functionality built-in (selectively allowing JS on web-pages), I would try it as the main browser.
bing different