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yes i know... but i like it!
fluxbox, rox, urxvt-vim, pygmy, 2x conky
Husio @
Can I get these config for Vim? (the Syntax-highlightning )
// Kris
"Penquins, Penquins, über alles!"
missin the winter
detto @
Nice I love it
Which panel do you use? Which terminal do you use?
And last: where do all of you get these lovely computer-painted wallpapers?
// Kris
"Penquins, Penquins, über alles!"
detto @
Nice I love itWhich panel do you use? Which terminal do you use?
And last: where do all of you get these lovely computer-painted wallpapers?
He is using Fluxbox.
And terminal, my guess is urxvt.
Arch - It's something refreshing
whargoul @
Is it Fluxbox's standart panel?
Can urxvt use tabs or is it a "Fluxbox-only-feature"? I need tabs in my terminal - rxvt (I can't get urxvt works)
// Kris
"Penquins, Penquins, über alles!"
thx. its fluxbox and those tabs are from fb too so is the panel.
oh and the terminal isnt urxvt but Terminal (from shadowhands xfce4-svn repository).
oh yea and those wallpapers/arts are from David Lanham,
I liked conky better than the dockapps
Me too... unfortunately, conky has been having redrawing issues (some stuff off the screen, some messed up enough that you can't read it)
Dockapps are cool 8)
I like the 'backlight' function... makes them more readable on a laptop screen dimmed.
Husio @
Can I get these config for Vim? (the Syntax-highlightning )
aterm*color0: black
aterm*color1: #ff3333
aterm*color2: #91c652
aterm*color3: #eeff5f
aterm*color4: #8e9da0
aterm*color5: #e7ab54
aterm*color6: #d71a11
aterm*color7: AntiqueWhite
aterm*color8: Grey25
aterm*color9: #d71a11
aterm*color10: #9adc73
aterm*color11: #e5dc76
aterm*color12: #499bf8
aterm*color13: #f76bff
aterm*color14: #6bd5ff
aterm*color15: White
""" Init
set background=light
highlight clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
let g:colors_name = "python"
"""""""" Colors """"""""
"""" GUI Colors
highlight Cursor gui=None guibg=Palegreen3 guifg=White
highlight CursorIM gui=bold guifg=white guibg=PaleTurquoise3
highlight Directory guifg=LightSeaGreen guibg=bg
highlight DiffAdd gui=None guifg=fg guibg=DarkCyan
highlight DiffChange gui=None guifg=fg guibg=Green4
highlight DiffDelete gui=None guifg=fg guibg=black
highlight DiffText gui=bold guifg=fg guibg=bg
highlight ErrorMsg guifg=LightYellow guibg=FireBrick
" previously 'FillColumn':
"highlight FillColumn gui=NONE guifg=black guibg=grey60
highlight VertSplit gui=NONE guifg=black guibg=#c8d6b3
highlight Folded gui=bold guibg=#305060 guifg=#b0d0e0
highlight FoldColumn gui=bold guibg=#395602 guifg=#6f9b1f
highlight IncSearch gui=reverse guifg=fg guibg=bg
highlight LineNr gui=bold guibg=#395602 guifg=#6f9b1f
highlight ModeMsg guibg=DarkGreen guifg=Green
highlight MoreMsg gui=bold guifg=SeaGreen4 guibg=bg
if version < 600
" same as SpecialKey
highlight NonText guibg=#123A4A guifg=#3D5D6D
" Bottom fill (use e.g. same as LineNr)
highlight NonText gui=None guibg=bg guifg=fg
highlight Normal gui=None guibg=#f6ffe5 guifg=black
highlight Question gui=bold guifg=SeaGreen2 guibg=bg
highlight Search gui=NONE guibg=LightSkyBlue4 guifg=NONE
highlight SpecialKey guibg=#103040 guifg=#324262
highlight StatusLine gui=bold guibg=#c8d6b3 guifg=black
highlight StatusLineNC gui=NONE guibg=#c8d6b3 guifg=black
highlight Title gui=bold guifg=MediumOrchid1 guibg=bg
highlight Visual gui=reverse guibg=WHITE guifg=SeaGreen
highlight VisualNOS gui=bold,underline guifg=fg guibg=bg
highlight WarningMsg gui=bold guifg=FireBrick1 guibg=bg
highlight WildMenu gui=bold guibg=Chartreuse guifg=Black"""" Syntax Colors
"highlight Comment gui=reverse guifg=#507080
highlight Comment gui=italic guifg=#507080highlight Constant guifg=black guibg=bg
hi String gui=None guifg=#ccab3f guibg=bg
"hi Character gui=None guifg=#969248 guibg=bg
highlight Number gui=None guifg=#969248 guibg=bg
highlight Boolean gui=bold guifg=#969248 guibg=bg
"hi Float gui=None guifg=#969248 guibg=bghighlight Identifier guifg=#6f9b1f
hi Function gui=None guifg=#775d05 guibg=bghighlight Statement gui=NONE guifg=#669907
highlight Conditional gui=None guifg=Green guibg=bg
highlight Repeat gui=None guifg=SeaGreen2 guibg=bg
"hi Label gui=None guifg=Green guibg=bg
highlight Operator gui=None guifg=Chartreuse guibg=bg
highlight Keyword gui=bold guifg=#6f9b1f guibg=bg
highlight Exception gui=bold guifg=Green guibg=bghighlight PreProc guifg=SkyBlue1
hi Include gui=None guifg=#725c05 guibg=bg
hi Define gui=None guifg=#725c05 guibg=bg
hi Macro gui=None guifg=#486610 guibg=bg
hi PreCondit gui=None guifg=LightSkyBlue2 guibg=bghighlight Type gui=NONE guifg=#ccab3f
hi StorageClass gui=None guifg=#ccab3f guibg=bg
hi Structure gui=None guifg=#ccab3f guibg=bg
hi Typedef gui=None guifg=#ccab3f guibg=bghighlight Special gui=bold guifg=#ddb100
"hi SpecialChar gui=bold guifg=White guibg=bg
"hi Tag gui=bold guifg=White guibg=bg
"hi Delimiter gui=bold guifg=White guibg=bg
"hi SpecialComment gui=bold guifg=White guibg=bg
"hi Debug gui=bold guifg=White guibg=bghighlight Underlined gui=underline guifg=honeydew4 guibg=bg
highlight Ignore guifg=#204050
highlight Error guifg=LightYellow guibg=FireBrick
highlight Todo guifg=#969248 guibg=#507080
and default vim theme.
Marco and Benplaut, I love your wallpapers. Can you pass on a link?
missin the winter
[stalwart@fuaran opera-weekly]$ grep icon PKGBUILD
# Tray icon disabler
sed -i -e 's|exec "${OPERA_BINARYDIR}opera" "$@"|exec "${OPERA_BINARYDIR}opera" "-notrayicon" "$@"|' $startdir/pkg/usr/bin/opera
IRC: Stalwart @ FreeNode
Skype ID: thestalwart
WeeChat-devel nightly packages for i686
Which OB theme is that?
It's called Graphite, I uploaded it here
Marco and Benplaut, I love your wallpapers. Can you pass on a link?
was known as 'Chestah' profile
My english is bad :]