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#1 2018-12-12 15:51:12

Registered: 2010-05-06
Posts: 235

SOLVED: evince versus reportlab annotations

An Arch user reported a problem with archlinux evince when trying to view a pdf generated by reportlab that contains a highlight annotation.

I am one of the maintainers of reportlab so set out to test and the problem is real. The archlinux version of evince (evince 3.30.2-1)  gives an error when viewing this PDF

$ evince final.pdf
! SyncTeX Error : No file?
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error'
  what():  basic_string::_M_construct null not valid

This works fine on ubuntu 18.04 with "GNOME Document Viewer 3.28.4" so I tried a down grade to  arch pkg 3.28.2-1, but the error is there as well.

Googling indicates that this error has been noticed elsewhere … d62b8a2eee

which proposes a solution involving deleting one line.

Looking in the evince synctext code shows the error line is removed, but it seems arch doesn't use the internal synctex code and instead uses libsynctex from texlive-bin which is a pain to build. Is there an easy way to build evince using the internal synctex code?

Edit: I managed to build libsynctex with the alleged fix, but it just made a different error happen.

Edit: the Arch user reports that the release of poppler 0.72.0-1 has fixed his issue which I can also confirm.

Last edited by replabrobin (2018-12-19 16:50:04)


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