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Pages: 1
I've accomplished to manage a full working ArchISO build script. The only thing that I couldn't do it yet is to enable RAMROOT on that Live ISO. RAMROOT its already installed on my live iso but my problem is:
# arch-chroot work/x86_64/airootfs/
# ramroot enable
:! Nothing mounted at /.
I think running
ramroot with
-r, --root <UUID>
Specify root partition UUID to use when building hooks.
It would solve the problem. But as I need to figure that UUID during the Build script I could not make it
Anybody can give me a hint ?
Thank you!
Issues / Future Implementations
get UUIDs during boot
more portable; UUIDs not hardcoded into initcpio hook
no need to rebuild linux image with UUID changes
blkid should show the UUID for each partition. Is there a reason that doesn't work?
blkid should show the UUID for each partition. Is there a reason that doesn't work?
Its not that simple. Have you already done that inside ArchISO build script?
Pages: 1