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Hello. After installing system i decided to connect wifi using wpa_passphrase instructions from arch wiki and i've "successfully initiallized wpa_supplicant", but nothing happens. Aftee that i tried to conect using netctl instructions, but every time i get one error - wlp3s0 (my interface) is already up.
I didnt turn it on using ip link, i disabled systemctl wpa_supplicant service, but every time I reboot, wpa_supplicant initializes my wifi spot, but doesn't connecting wifi, and if i use netctl, it crashes cus interface is already running (i didnt start it).
I didnt use supplicant and netctl at one time, i reboot after each try.
Help :c
Same problem on debian was easily solved by following debian wiki, but those instructions don't work on arch.
Try connecting using wifi-menu script, it is a part of netctl. You will need the dialog package for this script to work.
pacman -S dialog
wifi-menu -o
Last edited by its4nitya (2018-12-17 15:33:42)
Hello. After installing system i decided to connect wifi using wpa_passphrase instructions from arch wiki and i've "successfully initiallized wpa_supplicant", but nothing happens.
That is only one of several steps. Have you configured your wpa_supplicant conf? And/or did you pass the output of wpa_passphrase to wpa_supplicant as a conf file? What is the output of `ip a` after starting wpa_supplicant?
Assuming wpa_supplicant is configured properly and has associated with your access point, you still need to run dhcpcd on the interface to get an IP address (or dhclient, or configure static IP).
Read all the steps in the wiki.
Last edited by Trilby (2018-12-17 15:34:37)
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
Pages: 1