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An alternative to downgrading systemd, is to use systemd instead of udev in your mkinitcpio.conf HOOKS. The systemd hook replaces udev, usr, and resume hooks. Some other optional hooks (consolefont, keymap, encrypt, lvm2) need to be replaced with their sd-* counterpart as shown in the table here: … mmon_hooks
If you are running the testing repo and have downgraded systemd to 239.xx, note that 240.34-2 was added to the testing repo earlier today. Upgrading to this should also resolve the issue (without needing to use systemd in mkinitcpio).
I can confirm upgrading to systemd 240.34-2 today fixed this issue.
I too can confirm that systemd 240.34-2 fixed my issue.
Last edited by winksaville (2019-01-20 16:05:02)
I'd just like to notice that this has just happened again to me with systemd 243 (243.78-2-arch). I downgraded to systemd 242 (242.84-2-arch) and it solved the problem. However, I didn't check if there is a newer than 242 (242.84-2-arch) version of systemd --older than 243.78-2-arch-- that also solves the problem, I just picked this one.
I'm not sure how to report this bug appropriately (similarly to this one). Maybe someone wants to do that.
Last edited by nullgeppetto (2019-11-07 13:25:55)
"I never expected hell to have so much light." -- Miltos Sachtouris
This may be a new and/or unrelated issue. I am going to close this old thread.
Please consider opening a new thread and (if appropriate) link back to this thread.
Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
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