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Hi Guys!!
Have some questions about login!
I have set up a file server (Ubuntu) And would like to use this as the sharing part in my network. I wake the machine up using WOL - but I stops at the login screen.
I have set the login to accept remote login, but cannot find the program to use for this in the package database at arch?? What is this package name???
The other solution is to automatic login the user - but I not that much foir this??
So hopefully you' ll be able to answer my question???
Just getting better .... All the time
Firstly, I have to ask - why aren't you using Arch on your file server?
Anyway, when you say it stops at the login screen, do you mean a graphical login? Or CLI? Personally, I don't think there's any need for graphical stuff on a file server e.g. I log in to my server using SSH, and that's only when I'm actually working on it - upgrading, etc. Normally, it just sits there, serving files via NFS, and generally being invisible, like a good server should.
If you really want remote graphical login, try configuring XDMCP - it's not a package, just part of X. Google will help you.
Thanks for the answer!
The reason Why I don´t need Arch - Is that I having problems still about Resin/apache and Arch! That problem isn' t solved yet!
Afterwards I thought about using Arch - But not with this unsolved problem!
I' m using arch on all the others servers - But this one exactly I need the Resin for jsp files - (and yes could use tomcat - but HATE it! )
So thats why - But thanks for the answer! Normally I' d also only use SSH - But If the other opotunity is there - thats also for mormal people to use!
Just getting better .... All the time
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