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Yesterday, it seems i broke something in my system:
Arch is updated. Linux-lts kernel.
I can't connect users in tty. Mariadb and avahi-daemon don't start at boot. I can't start them manually too using systemctl.
But I can connect as root.
Other services are started normally: ntpd, connmand, bumblebeed, syslog-ng or metalog, sshd.
I don't use any login manager like gdm.
I don't use X, i use only tty, wayland and enlightenment-git.
I remember i killed by hand yesterday in the evening ssh-agent processes. Problem came after that but may be a coincidence...
It's a permission issue.
Precision: I used without any problem since january to yesterday, each day, last pambase-20190105.1-1 .
I have good symlinks in /var:
ls /var -1 -p
lock -> /run/lock
mail -> spool/mail
run -> /run
I posted journalctl -b here
Last edited by maderios (2019-02-20 18:04:07)
Please edit your post to use code tags around the terminal outputs. … s_and_code
Please also post a full journal, without -x.
Mobo: MSI MAG X570S TORPEDO MAX // Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X @4.9GHz // GFX: AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT // RAM: 32GB (4x 8GB) Corsair DDR4 (@ 3000MHz) // Storage: 1x 3TB HDD, 6x 1TB SSD, 2x 120GB SSD, 1x 275GB M2 SSD
Making lemonade from lemons since 2015.
I updated today systemd 240.95-2 to systemd-241.0-1, same issue
Thanks for fixing up your first post, however, you forgot to add code tags around your ls output. Also, please don't use or upload truncated logs. See … in_clients -- make life easier for yourself and use a CLI pastebin client and a more accessible pastebin service.
That all said, it looks like your /run directory is not accessible by non-root users. Please post the output of
# ls -ld /run
# pacman -Qkk filesystem
Again, please use code tags for this.
Mobo: MSI MAG X570S TORPEDO MAX // Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X @4.9GHz // GFX: AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT // RAM: 32GB (4x 8GB) Corsair DDR4 (@ 3000MHz) // Storage: 1x 3TB HDD, 6x 1TB SSD, 2x 120GB SSD, 1x 275GB M2 SSD
Making lemonade from lemons since 2015.
ls -ld /run
drwxr-xr-x 23 root root 640 Feb 20 16:38 /run
pacman -Qkk filesystem
backup file: filesystem: /etc/fstab (Modification time mismatch)
backup file: filesystem: /etc/fstab (Size mismatch)
backup file: filesystem: /etc/group (Modification time mismatch)
backup file: filesystem: /etc/group (Size mismatch)
warning: filesystem: /etc/gshadow (Permissions mismatch)
backup file: filesystem: /etc/gshadow (Modification time mismatch)
backup file: filesystem: /etc/gshadow (Size mismatch)
backup file: filesystem: /etc/hosts (Modification time mismatch)
backup file: filesystem: /etc/hosts (Size mismatch)
backup file: filesystem: /etc/passwd (Modification time mismatch)
backup file: filesystem: /etc/passwd (Size mismatch)
warning: filesystem: /etc/resolv.conf (File type mismatch)
backup file: filesystem: /etc/shadow (Modification time mismatch)
backup file: filesystem: /etc/shadow (Size mismatch)
backup file: filesystem: /etc/shells (Modification time mismatch)
backup file: filesystem: /etc/shells (Size mismatch)
warning: filesystem: /home (UID mismatch)
warning: filesystem: /home (GID mismatch)
warning: filesystem: /mnt (Permissions mismatch)
warning: filesystem: /root (Permissions mismatch)
warning: filesystem: /srv/http (Permissions mismatch)
warning: filesystem: /var/games (GID mismatch)
filesystem: 113 total files, 7 altered files
I reinstalled filesystem, I got exactly same result.
I found similar problem here
They solved issue doing:
chmod 755 /
In my case
ls -ld /
drwx------ 19 root root 4096 Feb 20 16:55 /
I checked my other computer without problem:
ls -ld /
drwxr-xr-x 16 root root 4096 Feb 19 20:55 /
It's crazy, I have not good permissions on /
I solved the problem with
chmod --preserve-root 755 /
Thanks for your help!
Last edited by maderios (2019-02-20 18:02:26)