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Ok, I understood. But can I install versions from archive and then build just two kernels, one which doesn't has leak and one which has?
Last edited by gcr (2019-03-02 12:37:27)
Unfortunately between v4.18 and v4.19 there are 7596 commits which do not have builds which is why you need to build the kernel at least 13 times
to divide those 7596 commits into two at each step until you are left with only one commit which will be the cause.
Found that memory leak starts at 4.19.2 kernel. At 4.19.1 is ok
The following assumes the base-devel group and git are installed and I recomend enabling Makepkg#Parallel_compilation to reduce build times
$ git clone git:// --single-branch --branch "packages/linux"
$ cd packages/trunk
$ git checkout a1ed5d19d5982b1e77afe4949be6b867c088d50f #4.19.2.arch1-1
$ cd ../..
$ cp -r packages/trunk linux-git
$ rm -rf packages
$ cd linux-git
# Edit replace the PKGBUILD with the one below
$ makepkg -rsi #this is to confirm 4.19.2 as built on your system does have the issue update bootloader for new kernel if needed
$ cd linux-git/src/linux
$ git checkout v4.19.1
$ cd ../..
$ makepkg -ersi #this is to confirm 4.19.1 as built on your system does not have the issue select the default option for all prompted options
$ cd linux-git/src/linux/
$ git bisect start
$ git bisect good v4.19.1
$ git bisect bad v4.19.2
$ cd ../..
$ makepkg -ersif
$ cd linux-git/src/linux/
$ git bisect $result #substitue good or bad here
$ cd ../..
$ makepkg -ersif #repeat these four lines and test the generated kernel until git has found the bad commit
# Maintainer: Boohbah <boohbah at>
# Contributor: Tobias Powalowski <>
# Contributor: Thomas Baechler <>
# Contributor: Jonathan Chan <>
# Contributor: misc <>
# Contributor: NextHendrix <cjones12 at>
makedepends=('kmod' 'inetutils' 'bc' 'libelf')
'config' # the main kernel config file
'60-linux.hook' # pacman hook for depmod
'90-linux.hook' # pacman hook for initramfs regeneration
'linux.preset' # standard config files for mkinitcpio ramdisk
: ${_kernelname:=-ARCH}
pkgver() {
cd "${_srcname}"
git describe --long | sed -E 's/^v//;s/([^-]*-g)/r\1/;s/-/./g;s/\.rc/rc/'
prepare() {
cd ${_srcname}
cp -Tf ../config .config
# set localversion to git commit
sed -i "s|CONFIG_LOCALVERSION=.*|CONFIG_LOCALVERSION=\"${_kernelname}\"|g" ./.config
# don't run depmod on 'make install'. We'll do this ourselves in packaging
# git tracks scripts/ so do not change it when using the existing source dir for bisection
# sed -i '2iexit 0' scripts/
# get kernel version
make prepare
# load configuration
# Configure the kernel. Replace the line below with one of your choice.
#make menuconfig # CLI menu for configuration
#make nconfig # new CLI menu for configuration
#make xconfig # X-based configuration
#make oldconfig # using old config from previous kernel version
make olddefconfig # old config from previous kernel, defaults for new options
# ... or manually edit .config
build() {
cd ${_srcname}
make bzImage modules
_package() {
pkgdesc="The Linux kernel and modules (git version)"
depends=('coreutils' 'linux-firmware' 'kmod' 'mkinitcpio>=0.7')
optdepends=('crda: to set the correct wireless channels of your country')
cd ${_srcname}
# get kernel version
_kernver="$(make kernelrelease)"
_kernver=${_kernver%-dirty} #
_basekernel="$(make kernelversion)"
mkdir -p "${pkgdir}"/{boot,usr/lib/modules}
make INSTALL_MOD_PATH="${pkgdir}/usr" modules_install
cp arch/x86/boot/bzImage "${pkgdir}/boot/vmlinuz-${pkgbase}"
# make room for external modules
local _extramodules="extramodules-${_basekernel}${_kernelname}"
ln -s "../${_extramodules}" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/modules/${_kernver}/extramodules"
# add real version for building modules and running depmod from hook
echo "${_kernver}" |
install -Dm644 /dev/stdin "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/modules/${_extramodules}/version"
# remove build and source links
rm "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/modules/${_kernver}/{source,build}
# now we call depmod...
depmod -b "${pkgdir}/usr" -F "${_kernver}"
# add vmlinux
install -Dt "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/modules/${_kernver}/build" -m644 vmlinux
# sed expression for following substitutions
local _subst="
# hack to allow specifying an initially nonexisting install file
sed "${_subst}" "${startdir}/${install}" > "${startdir}/${install}.pkg"
true && install=${install}.pkg
# install mkinitcpio preset file
sed "${_subst}" ../linux.preset |
install -Dm644 /dev/stdin "${pkgdir}/etc/mkinitcpio.d/${pkgbase}.preset"
# install pacman hooks
sed "${_subst}" ../60-linux.hook |
install -Dm644 /dev/stdin "${pkgdir}/usr/share/libalpm/hooks/60-${pkgbase}.hook"
sed "${_subst}" ../90-linux.hook |
install -Dm644 /dev/stdin "${pkgdir}/usr/share/libalpm/hooks/90-${pkgbase}.hook"
_package-headers() {
pkgdesc="Header files and scripts for building modules for Linux kernel (git version)"
cd ${_srcname}
local _builddir="${pkgdir}/usr/lib/modules/${_kernver}/build"
install -Dt "${_builddir}" -m644 Makefile .config Module.symvers
install -Dt "${_builddir}/kernel" -m644 kernel/Makefile
mkdir "${_builddir}/.tmp_versions"
cp -t "${_builddir}" -a include scripts
install -Dt "${_builddir}/arch/x86" -m644 arch/x86/Makefile
install -Dt "${_builddir}/arch/x86/kernel" -m644 arch/x86/kernel/asm-offsets.s
cp -t "${_builddir}/arch/x86" -a arch/x86/include
install -Dt "${_builddir}/drivers/md" -m644 drivers/md/*.h
install -Dt "${_builddir}/net/mac80211" -m644 net/mac80211/*.h
install -Dt "${_builddir}/drivers/media/i2c" -m644 drivers/media/i2c/msp3400-driver.h
install -Dt "${_builddir}/drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb" -m644 drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb/*.h
install -Dt "${_builddir}/drivers/media/dvb-frontends" -m644 drivers/media/dvb-frontends/*.h
install -Dt "${_builddir}/drivers/media/tuners" -m644 drivers/media/tuners/*.h
# add xfs and shmem for aufs building
mkdir -p "${_builddir}"/{fs/xfs,mm}
# copy in Kconfig files
find . -name Kconfig\* -exec install -Dm644 {} "${_builddir}/{}" \;
# add objtool for external module building and enabled VALIDATION_STACK option
install -Dt "${_builddir}/tools/objtool" tools/objtool/objtool
# remove unneeded architectures
local _arch
for _arch in "${_builddir}"/arch/*/; do
[[ ${_arch} == */x86/ ]] && continue
rm -r "${_arch}"
# remove files already in linux-docs package
rm -r "${_builddir}/Documentation"
# remove now broken symlinks
find -L "${_builddir}" -type l -printf 'Removing %P\n' -delete
# Fix permissions
chmod -R u=rwX,go=rX "${_builddir}"
# strip scripts directory
local _binary _strip
while read -rd '' _binary; do
case "$(file -bi "${_binary}")" in
*application/x-sharedlib*) _strip="${STRIP_SHARED}" ;; # Libraries (.so)
*application/x-archive*) _strip="${STRIP_STATIC}" ;; # Libraries (.a)
*application/x-executable*) _strip="${STRIP_BINARIES}" ;; # Binaries
*) continue ;;
/usr/bin/strip ${_strip} "${_binary}"
done < <(find "${_builddir}/scripts" -type f -perm -u+w -print0 2>/dev/null)
_package-docs() {
pkgdesc="Kernel hackers manual - HTML documentation that comes with the Linux kernel (git version)"
cd ${_srcname}
local _builddir="${pkgdir}/usr/lib/modules/${_kernver}/build"
mkdir -p "${_builddir}"
cp -t "${_builddir}" -a Documentation
# Fix permissions
chmod -R u=rwX,go=rX "${_builddir}"
pkgname=("${pkgbase}" "${pkgbase}-headers" "${pkgbase}-docs")
for _p in ${pkgname[@]}; do
eval "package_${_p}() {
$(declare -f "_package${_p#${pkgbase}}")
# vim:set ts=8 sts=2 sw=2 et:
Last edited by loqs (2019-03-02 16:58:44)
Very good instruction)
found bad commit 22083c028d0b3ee419232d25ce90367e5b25df8f
That commit is supposed to be gone in … Log-4.19.3 … 6f3afbd435
It creeped back in w/ 4.19.6 … ?h=v4.19.6 but I've no idea why.
=> kernels 4.19.3, 4.19.4 & 4.19.5 should not expose the leak?
Well, yes
+ not leak
- leak
4.18.16 +
4.19.0 +
4.19.1 + (before that commit)
4.19.2 -
4.19.3 +
4.19.4 +
4.19.6 -
4.19.12 -
4.19.24 -
4.19.25 -
4.19.26 -
Well, new 5.0 kernel also leaks
You could try compiling linux 5.0 with commit 4abb951b reverted. If that resolves the issue, post the output of dmesg both with and without the revert. There might be some differences to find there.
And then report it upstream.
git revert -n 4abb951b73ff0a8a979113ef185651aa3c8da19b
Last edited by progandy (2019-03-06 08:33:38)
| alias CUTF='LANG=en_XX.UTF-8@POSIX ' |
Present the linked commit history, make your case (leak) and require at least an explanation why it was re-added w/o further explanation. If you're lucky, this happend from a bad merge and will be reverted immediately.
According to the revert commit message, you loose nothing by reverting the commit (for it doesn't actually fix anything)
Edit: blast.
Last edited by seth (2019-03-06 08:34:55)