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#1 2019-03-21 11:39:49

Registered: 2016-12-21
Posts: 36

About pygtk, pygobject, python-gobject (namings and dependencies)

Since Python2 will retire in 1/1/2020, I was looking at all the packages installed on my machine that depend on python2 and I have a few questions. For reference, here's my `pactree -r` for python2:

$ pactree -r python2
│ └─gnuradio
│   ├─gnuradio-fcdproplus
│   │ └─gnuradio-osmosdr
│   │   └─gqrx
│   ├─gnuradio-iqbal
│   │ └─gnuradio-osmosdr
│   └─gnuradio-osmosdr
│ └─python2-setuptools
│   └─gkeyring
│ └─pygtk
│   ├─arandr
│   └─python2-gnomekeyring
│     └─gkeyring
│ └─jack2
│   ├─ffmpeg
│   │ ├─chromaprint
│   │ │ └─python-pyacoustid
│   │ ├─ffmpegthumbnailer
│   │ ├─firefox
│   │ ├─mpd
│   │ ├─mpv
│   │ │ └─mpv-mpris
│   │ ├─qtox
│   │ └─x264
│   │   └─ffmpeg
│   ├─gst-plugins-good
│   ├─libffado
│   │ └─jack2
│   ├─mpd
│   ├─mpv
│   ├─portaudio
│   │ ├─fluidsynth
│   │ │ └─mpd
│   │ └─gnuradio
│   └─recordmydesktop
│ └─pygtk
│ └─gnuradio
│ └─python2-packaging
│   └─python2-setuptools

As for naming, there are so many packages that their upstream URL is which is redirected to and I was wondering:

  1. What made you divide all of these packages into several which include:

  2. I understand that for backwards compatibility with python2 packages, there is still need in making sure these packages can be used for python2 but unfortunately it is mandatory to have python2 even when you don't really need it because the package `pygtk` depends on package `python2-cairo` and `python2-gobject`. Isn't it possible to create a different set of packages that derive from the same project in a way that won't force users to have python2 packages at all?

  3. Shouldn't at least the upstream URL be updated to as a start?

  4. A little bit of topic as for the issues presented above, how come jack2 depends on python2-dbus?? According to the dependencies listed in their CI, there is no 1 python related package needed there.

My question mainly targets the pyobject project issue in Arch Linux. The rest of the packages are:

  • lilypond

  • gnuradio

I'm following upstream as for their move to python3.


As for python-gobject / pygtk and the python2 dependency, TIL that Debian doesn't build this packages with python2 dependencies (wow.. this time we are the ones who are left behind!):

Since I haven't received any comments in this thread, I figured it'd be best to get some attention from the Arch Linux maintainers on the bug reports website so here is a link for reference:

Last edited by Doron.Behar (2019-04-05 09:06:37)


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