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desire: wipe win10 completely off desktop .
install: arch Linux in its place
appears: wipe still left copy of win10 on HD
: made every attempt to completely wipe
: to no avail
: proceeding with arch Linux install
: w/ USB key
system: HP COMPAQ ELITE 8300 SFF
64bit os
intel core i7-3770 cpu 3.4Ghz
desktop / quad core intel / q77 express chipset
partitions created:
sda2 268 Gb root partition
sda1 500 Mg swap partition
formatted root drive with extension for file system
root@archiso~# mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda2
mount drive to the mnt folder
# mount /dev/sda2 /mnt
utilize the swap space for installation / make a swap
file on the swap partition
# mkswap /dev/sda1
# swapon /dev/sda1 ; now utilizing swap
installing system to the root drive
# wifi-menu
created wifi default / put in my wifi password to enable
root@archiso ~# pacstrap /mnt base base-devel
==> Creating install root at /mnt
==> Installing packages to /mnt
:: Synchronizing package databases...
:: There are 50 members in group base:
:: Repository core
1) bash 2) bzip2 ........ etc ............
Enter a selection (default=all):
:: There are 26 members in group base-devel:
:: Repository core
1) autoconf 2) automake 3) binultils.... etc
Enter a selection (default=all):
warning: skipping target: file <--- unresolved skipping target: failures
warning: skipping target: findutils <--- unresolved skipping target: failures
warning: skipping target: gawk <--- unresolved skipping target: failures
warning: skipping target: gettext <--- unresolved skipping target: failures
warning: skipping target: grep <--- unresolved skipping target: failures
warning: skipping target: gzip <--- unresolved skipping target: failures
warning: skipping target: pacman <--- unresolved skipping target: failures
warning: skipping target: sed <--- unresolved skipping target: failures
warning: skipping target: textinfo <--- unresolved skipping target: failures
warning: skipping target: util-linux <--- unresolved skipping target: failures
warning: skipping target: which <--- unresolved skipping target: failures
Resolving dependencies...
:: There are 2 providers available for resolvconf:
:: Repository core
1) openresolv 2)systemd-resolvconf
Enter a number (default=1):
looking for conflicting packages...
Packages (155) acl-2.2.53-1 archlinux-keyring 2019...
Comments welcome !
Please use code tags when pasting to the boards: … s_and_code
You seem to have missed 2 steps :
update the system clock
Select the mirrors
Where did you download the install iso from and which version is it ?
Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.
clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky
appears: wipe still left copy of win10 on HD
How did you wipe your drive in the first place? Could you post the commands you used?