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ok thanks
Have you tried to turn it off and on again?
OBGnome version of last setup. Unfortunately, I had to switch to bytecode AA and the Dungeon font, because gnome-settings-daemon messes up the autohinter - I'd appreciate any help on that issue, BTW.
what gtk theme is that ?
"Alright it's settled. Zorak is the hammer, Moltar you suck."
my crappy hardware don't do no compiz
which means i'm stuck in a dark 2d world :twisted:[URL=]
just dunno why but i kinda like your wallpaper, mind to share?
Gullible Jones wrote:[URL=]
OBGnome version of last setup. Unfortunately, I had to switch to bytecode AA and the Dungeon font, because gnome-settings-daemon messes up the autohinter - I'd appreciate any help on that issue, BTW.
what gtk theme is that ?
Rezlooks-Graphite. rezlooks is in the AUR.
i like your colors too, but i can't seem to understand how to use them.
could you please tell me what i need in order to see those colors? which terminal, shell, what do i have to edit etc.
SuiRIS wrote:hi thaswiftness,
can you share your .Xdefaults and screen.rc?Your colors are looking really cool! And what ob3-theme do you use?
.Xdefaults :
aterm*borederLess: true aterm*transparent: true aterm*shading: 70 aterm*saveLines: 1000 aterm*tintingType: true aterm*tinting: #4a5e7d aterm*fading: 45 aterm*transpscrollbar: true aterm*troughColor: red aterm*pointerColor: #86a2be aterm*pointerColorBackground: white aterm*cursorColor: #86a2be aterm*loginShell: true aterm*scrollBar: off aterm*font: -windows-proggysmall-medium-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* aterm*termName: xterm Xft.dpi:96 aterm*color0: #000000 aterm*color8: #000000 aterm*color1: #803232 aterm*color9: #982b2b aterm*color2: #97b22b aterm*color10: #c5f779 aterm*color3: #b6aa58 aterm*color11: #fff796 aterm*color4: #86a2be aterm*color12: #98afd9 aterm*color5: #9b768e aterm*color13: #cd9ebe aterm*color6: #a1d5cd aterm*color14: #a1d5cd aterm*color7: #ffffff aterm*color15: #dedede aterm*geometry: 80x58
.screenrc :
bind C screen -t "ncmpc" 0 ncmpc bind i screen -t "irssi" irssi bind t screen -t "torrent" rtorrent bind T screen -t "top" sudo top bind A screen -t 'mixer' alsamixer bindkey "^[Oc" next bindkey "^[Od" prev backtick 50 0 0 hostname vbell on hardstatus alwayslastline "%{= .b}[ %{G}%H %{b}][ %=%{w}%?%-Lw%?%{b}(%{W}%n*%f %t%?(%u)%?%{b})%{w}%?%+Lw%?%?%= %{b}][%{B} %{G}%0c %{b}]" sorendition +b .G startup_message off termcapinfo xterm ti@:te@ termcapinfo xterm 'hs:ts=E]2;:fs=07:ds=E]2;screen07' termcapinfo xterm|xterms|xs ti=E7E[?47l defscrollback 10000
And I'm using the openboxclean theme from
In Linux there are no secrets!
He said it Oin...
He says .Xdefaults, put the text below in ~/.Xdefaults
He says .screenrc, put the text below in ~/.screenrc
jaboua: I already did that, but nothing happened, so that's why i'm asking what else do i have to do that i'm not doing
/later: oh wait, it's working, sorry
In Linux there are no secrets!
Well those codes are for aterm.
But modifing it so it says xterm: oder urxvt: should work for them.
Only eterm uses its own system.
Not sure about Konsole or other DE-Terminals.
Well those codes are for aterm.
But modifing it so it says xterm: oder urxvt: should work for them.
Only eterm uses its own system.
Not sure about Konsole or other DE-Terminals.
For the colors, i usually use:
*color0: blah
*color1: blah
etc etc
This covers all terminals which reads ~/.Xdefaults (aterm, xterm, urxvt, etc)
my first Screenshot on this forum
hey rezza, i c ur using gmpc-svn. how do u manage to let ur playlist only display track,artist,title, and so on?
im with comment, disc, and other right now, making the whole window unnecessary bigger, could ya gimme a tip?
[edit] nevermind, didn't read the question.... :shock:
hey rezza, i c ur using gmpc-svn. how do u manage to let ur playlist only display track,artist,title, and so on?
im with comment, disc, and other right now, making the whole window unnecessary bigger, could ya gimme a tip?
right-click on an item in the playlist, choose "columns"
not too much changed
Do you know if there's a 1280x1024 version of that background?
it's from this guy:
rezza wrote:tweaked your ob theme some more? is it available to download?
That's cgwd, not openbox. It's somebody's hacked up gnome-window-decorator for compiz/Xgl.
Zepp wrote:rezza wrote:tweaked your ob theme some more? is it available to download?
That's cgwd, not openbox. It's somebody's hacked up gnome-window-decorator for compiz/Xgl.
*gasp* NOT USING OPENBOX? *dies*
Looks good, though.
what system font are you using? i like it better than sans
allucid wrote:[URL=]
Do you know if there's a 1280x1024 version of that background?
Yes, that was actually the original resolution, I scaled it down.