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I am trying to install Arch on my new laptop and I encounter some issues regarding grub:
`grub error: disk 'lvid/...<UUID>' not found. Entering rescue mode..`
Laptop: Thinkpad T420 with an 256GB SSD
Windows is already installed in LEGACY mode.
What I did:
1. create a new ext4 partition sda3 (windows is sda1 and sda2)
2. follow
3. LVM on LUCKS on sda3 ( … ncryption/)
4. mkinitcpio.conf hooks: `HOOKS=(base udev autodetect keyboard keymap consolefont modconf block encrypt lvm2 filesystems fsck)`
5. install grub and add LVM + LUCKS specific entries
6. add windows entry to grub ( … S/MBR_mode)
--> apparently GRUB can't find (or decrypt?) the partition.
The UUID in /etc/fstab is correct.
What I tried and didn't work: … -not-found … ue_console
I think I messed up and somehow mixed UEFI/BIOS GPT/MBR but I don't know how/where.
Could you help me?
Last edited by harlek!n (2019-06-04 10:56:35)
Please provide the output of
lsblk -o +UUID
Inofficial first vice president of the Rust Evangelism Strike Force
The output is:
Meanwhile the complete GRUB error:
error: disk 'lvmid/0cI5zT-svlT-CT1n-FKFY-nijs-ulq0-drdsiQ/fBJC3Y-pg7Z-WJGR-Ftb3-DmvE-101q-2UEeUN' not found.
sda1 is the main SSD with sda1 the windows system partition, sda2 the windows partition and sda3 the lvm partition.
sdb will be used as /home extension (using symlinks) once the system is running
sdc is the live-USB
moderator edit -- replaced oversized image with link.
Pasting pictures and code
Last edited by 2ManyDogs (2019-05-21 13:22:23)
- reapired the windows boot loader ( … -mode?rq=1)
- converted windows from legacy mode to UEFI/GPT ( … mbr-to-gpt)
- reinstalled arch
- chose GRUB as boot loader ( … not_loaded)
- ... and yet I still encounter this problem.
I really don't understand what's going on.
Hi harlek!n,
sounds like you are running into similar issues as I did a few days back. The guide by pavelkogan isn't up-to-date anymore, you need to specify "--type luks1" when encrypting your disk with cryptsetup luksFormat (see
Hope that helps!
It solved my problem completely!
The only difference was UEFI vs Legacy, but that's described in the wiki
Thank you
still doesnt work for me with only Arch installation and UEFI( but on laptop without UEFI its works fine.
following this manual
also tried different approaches with grub and mkinitcpio configs.
if someone can help i will show any configs that you need for it.
This one is marked as [solved] make your own thread containing exact information and setup steps from your own system.