You are not logged in.
Metrics can be sent to logs (stdout), cloudwatch, or posted as json to an http endpoint.
Configuration file:
# config.yaml
interval: 60s
- type: log
- type: cloudwatch
- type: url
$ beacon
2019/05/30 08:18:05 {Hostname:desktop HostID:83124810-114D-9785-2296-468d43bbbcd5 CPUPercent:8.359375 MemPercent:40 Uptime:6086447}
2019/05/30 08:19:05 {Hostname:desktop HostID:83124810-114D-9785-2296-468d43bbbcd5 CPUPercent:7.682194 MemPercent:40 Uptime:6086507}
I use this on several machines to get a quick/free monitoring dashboard and alerts with AWS CloudWatch.
Note that beacon just puts metrics into CW, this dashboard is only an example.
The package provides beacon.service to let systemd manage it, and allows seeing logs with journalctl -u beacon.
Looks good, let's try this
I sometimes dream about cheese.