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I have just installed an Arch system after using gentoo for about a year, and so far from what i hvae tested its great
Firstly i installed a system with base, networking, system and editors. I insatlled, got my network up and running, then went around building X. I went to the arch wiki, and followed the commands with pacman to insatll packages "gnome" + "gnome-extra", this worked perfectly.
Then rebooted, logged in, went to run the command
To which i recive the error
gnome-session:2953 ** Gtk - warning **: Locale not supported by C libary.
Using fall back 'C' locale.
Gnome- Gtk warning, cannot open display
So, i try running a "startx" command, it tells me the command is invalid, or does not exist, any ideas?
Arch Linux since 2006
Python Web Developer + Sys Admin (Gentoo/BSD)
Hello, welcome in the Archworld
OK you have installed Gnome, but not X , you have to run
pacman -S xorg xterm
gnome-session:2953 ** Gtk - warning **: Locale not supported by C libary.
Using fall back 'C' locale.
you must edit the /etc/locale.gen uncomment your Locales and run
Have you tried to turn it off and on again?
what locales will i need to uncomment?
Arch Linux since 2006
Python Web Developer + Sys Admin (Gentoo/BSD)
what locales will i need to uncomment?
The locales do you will have!
eg. en_US UTF8 if you will have an english system with UTF8 support
Have you tried to turn it off and on again?
Actually you must also uncomment both the entries for en_US for that locale to work.
Actually you must also uncomment both the entries for en_US for that locale to work.
:shock: why I have only en_US UTF8 an it work
Have you tried to turn it off and on again?
I had the same problem (startx not found), try installing xorg-xinit.
'pacman -S xorg' will install a dummy package that has all the deps you need. The thing you have to remember with Arch is that Xorg is modularized...
Actually you must also uncomment both the entries for en_US for that locale to work.
He propably would rather want an en_GB locale judging from his location.
i have uncommented both en_BG's, ran locale-gen, that worked, but gnome will not start, i can now run X, becuase startx takes me too tvwm. I have added gnome-session to the ~/.xinitrc, that dosent work, and the plain command of "gnome-session" dosent work, any other ideas?
Ok i need the US uncommented aswell, thanks for all the help
I thought i wsa in the clear....
So i run xorgconfig, all goes well, i then startx
module "nv" does not exist
Now can i just pacman this "nv" driver, or can i pacman the nvidia-glx and go staright to 3D?
Arch Linux since 2006
Python Web Developer + Sys Admin (Gentoo/BSD)
to get nv:
pacman -S xf86-video-nv
If you want to use the nvidia drivers instead, you'll need to install either nvidia or nvidia-legacy depending on your card.
exec gnome-session
in ~/.xinitrc and try running startx.
startx i got working before...
I insatlled "nvidia" type "satrtx", get the nvidia splash screen, but it says my mouse is not at /dev/mouse, so how do i find the default location of my mouse?
Arch Linux since 2006
Python Web Developer + Sys Admin (Gentoo/BSD)
look in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change the part "/dev/mouse" to "/dev/input/mice"
Thanks guys, im finally in X w00t, none the less, with all these problems, i would still be downloading packages in gentoo after this amount of time
Arch Linux since 2006
Python Web Developer + Sys Admin (Gentoo/BSD)
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