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#1 2019-07-07 17:10:20

Registered: 2016-06-04
Posts: 281

Dual monitor, display and resolution problem in grub and vt

I have 2 monitors connected in an AMD RX580 card. The first is connected to DVI and the second to HDMI via an vga2hdmi adapter.
I have two different(I think) issues.
The first is with grub. There the grub menu appears on the 2nd monitor only, and not on the one I use as main monitor. The only way I found to appear in both monitors, is if I set "GRUB_GFXMODE=1280x1024" and deactivate "GRUB_GFXMODE=auto" option. I tried to put both monitor resolutions, I also try to put the sum of resolutions and also to use GRUB_GFXMODE auto or keep.
The second issue is that on virtual consoles I have a gap at the bottom of the first monitor and at left of the second monitor. I don't mind the grub issue, because with "GRUB_GFXMODE=1280x1024" is fine until the virtual console appears, but maybe is related to grub issue.
So my main problem and question, is how can I fix the resolution in virtual consoles?
I already tried uvesafb(I found it as suggestion in another thread), but after I enable it and reboot I get a very small  window which flash and then a white screen with lines instead of graphical environment. The only way to reboot was to use the REISUB key combination. I tried to edit the uvesafb.conf file and put 1st or 2nd monitor's resolution from another linux installation via chroot but it didn't make any difference. I also disabled the gfxmode options on grub, but only after I remove the hook to uvesafb from initramfs I managed to boot again to arch linux.

Last edited by zaxdan69 (2019-07-07 17:10:40)


#2 2019-07-08 08:37:28

Registered: 2016-06-04
Posts: 281

Re: Dual monitor, display and resolution problem in grub and vt

After some more searching I didn't found a solution, but I found that in framebuffer isn't possible to set different resolutions for each monitor. I used xset to set geometry for both monitors but still there was a gap.
I also didn't found anything about dual monitor in grub configuration. But I noticed that there were some resolutions which both monitors support.
So I tried set the maximum resolution which both monitors support in grub.cfg and also set th payload to keep. With this resolution both monitors display works fine in all stages and there is no gap. This resolution is lower, but as long there are no display problems, is better than before.


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