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I've created a Windows 7 guest using virt-manager. The problem is that the system time in the guest is running much faster than in the host.
You can see how it looks like in the following gif: Just look how faster moves a seconds hand of the analog clock in the guest compared to the host's.
Last edited by uopki (2019-06-03 05:09:15)
Yes, since qemu-4.0 I see something similar when using Win 7 on q35 chipset.
I work around it for now by changing the machine type to `pc-q35-3.1'
Haven't delved too deeply yet (ie: haven't yet reported a bug upstream)
Changing chipset type works well, thanks. I think that's enough for me.
Last edited by uopki (2019-06-03 05:11:56)
Root cause identified. Full story here:
QEMU emulator version 4.0.0
I see that the subj is solved, but can't see the solution
I just got the same trouble.
Nothing could help me. None of the chipset options. Until I changed xml config of my vm from name="hpet" present="no" to "yes"
Best regards.
machine type pc-q35-3.1 was the workaround until 4.1 is released with … d51f0ee871
By the way, Windows Vista and later versions support HPET and, seems like, cannot work properly without it.
But Virt Manager doesn't activate this options by default, even you choose "Windows 7" as a type of vm.
It's a bit confusing(