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A few days ago I installed arch on a second machine and since the base package group is (at my personal point of view) becoming bloated nowadays I decided to run the pacstrap script without the base and base-devel groups and instead manually specifying the packages I only wanted.
I started with the full list of base and base-devel (plus some unrelated packages that match my use case such as vim, bind, postgresql, etc) and then I checked whether each default package in those groups made sense or not to me; I discarded a lot of packages for wireless networking which I do not need at all and things like nano, vi, inetutils, s-nail, etc. Probably there are a lot of things that I still do not need and/or won't ever need since I left intact packages that I am not sure what they do or why they are there in the first place.
Now I have a lean installation and so far everything is working fine.
Question is: is there any downside with this approach that I should be aware of ?
I previously toyed with a custom archiso installation but this approach (alongside a post-installation script to restore my custom configuration files) proved far more practical (at least to me).
### where [/mnt/system/] is the directory where the root partition is (temporarily) mounted
pacstrap '/mnt/system/' \
'apcupsd' \
'arch-install-scripts' \
'autoconf' \
'automake' \
'bash' \
'bind' \
'bind-tools' \
'binutils' \
'bison' \
'bzip2' \
'colordiff' \
'coreutils' \
'device-mapper' \
'diffutils' \
'dmd' \
'dosfstools' \
'e2fsprogs' \
'exfat-utils' \
'fakeroot' \
'file' \
'filesystem' \
'findutils' \
'flex' \
'gawk' \
'gcc' \
'gcc-libs' \
'gettext' \
'glibc' \
'gptfdisk' \
'grep' \
'groff' \
'gzip' \
'hwloc' \
'iproute2' \
'iputils' \
'less' \
'libtool' \
'libxslt' \
'licenses' \
'linux' \
'linux-firmware' \
'logrotate' \
'lsscsi' \
'm4' \
'make' \
'man-db' \
'man-pages' \
'mkvtoolnix-cli' \
'nfs-utils' \
'nmap' \
'ntfs-3g' \
'ntp' \
'openssh' \
'pacman' \
'patch' \
'parallel' \
'pciutils' \
'perl' \
'pkgconf' \
'postgresql' \
'procps-ng' \
'psmisc' \
'rsync' \
'sdparm' \
'sed' \
'sg3_utils' \
'shadow' \
'sipcalc' \
'smartmontools' \
'sudo' \
'systemd' \
'systemd-sysvcompat' \
'tar' \
'texinfo' \
'usbutils' \
'util-linux' \
'vim' \
'which' \
'zfs-linux' \
Last edited by dawnofman (2019-07-28 23:44:56)
Now I have a lean installation and so far everything is working fine.
This is the whole point of Arch. You are doing it right.