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I have made autoaur script for automatic mass downloading, updating, building and installing groups of AUR packages. This is for example useful for building (and frequent updating and rebuilding) Xgl, Compiz and all related stuff from AUR (this was original reason for making autoaur).
Simply download configuration file for autoaur (e.g. this configuration file for Xgl & Compiz: xgl.autoaur), create directory where you want all things to be downloaded and builded, go to this directory and run:
autoaur /path/to/xgl.autoaur
Autoaur is highly configurable, this is what help sais:
Usage: autoaur [options] [config file]
--spackages PACKAGES Install these packages from repositories
--packages PACKAGES Install these packages from AUR
--nosync Do not install packages from repositories
--nodownload Do not download packages from AUR
--noremovebuilddir Do not remove *-build subdirectories in src directory
--nobuild Do not build packages from AUR
(it doesn't apply to versionpkg)
--noinstall Do not install packages from AUR
--noupdate Do not update package versions
--updatever VERSION Update all packages to some particular version
(it doesn't apply to versionpkg)
--remove Remove conflicting packages (without dependency check)
--clean Clean package directories before new installation
(old source code will be deleted)
--nocolor Disable colorized output messages
--confighelp Help with configuration files
-h, --help Basic help
You can get autoaur from AUR here or you can download autoaur directly here: autoaur-1.0.0.tar.gz
Awesome mikos, thanks for the tool.
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