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#1 2019-08-14 15:14:21

Registered: 2019-05-28
Posts: 11

ungoogled-chromium doesn't start

Hey! I've got a Dell Inspiron 7577(i5 7300 HQ, 1060 Max-Q). I'm running on the intel drivers and the proprietary  nvidia drivers(using optimus-manager to switch whenever I want to). I recently built ungoogled-chromium from AUR and it doesn't start at all.

Error when I try to start it via the terminal:

[28345:28345:0814/] vaInitialize failed: unknown libva error
[28345:28345:0814/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
zsh: illegal hardware instruction (core dumped)  chromium

I uninstalled it, reinstalled it. chown'ed ~/.config/chromium, deleted the config. No idea what to do now. I'd appreciate any help, Thanks!

Last edited by NeXT (2019-08-14 15:14:54)


#2 2019-08-15 00:13:08

Registered: 2019-08-03
Posts: 3

Re: ungoogled-chromium doesn't start

Same exact issue and error but on a totally different desktop system (i5-4670 with AMD graphics).

Today I did a package upgrade

pacman -Syu

and then

pacaur -S ungoogled-chromium

to recompile. When I run Chromium I get the same error.  Can we provide any debugging info that can help the maintainers?


#3 2019-08-15 12:38:28

Registered: 2019-05-28
Posts: 11

Re: ungoogled-chromium doesn't start

Ellgee wrote:

Same exact issue and error but on a totally different desktop system (i5-4670 with AMD graphics).

Today I did a package upgrade

pacman -Syu

and then

pacaur -S ungoogled-chromium

to recompile. When I run Chromium I get the same error.  Can we provide any debugging info that can help the maintainers?

My system is upto date aswell..

chromium --diagnostics gives this.

chromium --diagnostics
[PASS] Install type
       System Level

[PASS] Chrome version test
       76.0.3809.87 Arch Linux

[PASS] User data path
       Path exists and is writable: 557651

[FAIL] Local state path
       Path not found: /home/next/.config/chromium/Local State

[PASS] App dictionaries directory path
       Path exists

[PASS] Resources path
       Path exists

[PASS] Available disk space
       Free space: 243069435904

[FAIL] User preferences integrity
       File not found

[FAIL] Local state integrity
       File not found

[PASS] Bookmark file
       File not found (but that is OK)

[FAIL] Web Data database
       File not found

[FAIL] Cookie database
       File not found

[PASS] Favicons database
       File not found (but that is OK)

[FAIL] History database
       File not found

[PASS] Top Sites database
       File not found (but that is OK)

[PASS] Database tracker database
       File not found (but that is OK)

Finished 16 tests.

I think I have the latest intel microcode update aswell -

dmesg | grep microcode
[    0.690919] microcode: sig=0x906e9, pf=0x20, revision=0xb4
[    0.691050] microcode: Microcode Update Driver: v2.2.


#4 2019-08-15 13:32:21

Forum Moderator
Registered: 2012-10-16
Posts: 21,996

Re: ungoogled-chromium doesn't start

Read the AUR comments, apparently there has been a new release that the AUR package has not yet been bumped to.


#5 2019-08-15 14:15:24

Registered: 2019-05-28
Posts: 11

Re: ungoogled-chromium doesn't start

V1del wrote:

Read the AUR comments, apparently there has been a new release that the AUR package has not yet been bumped to.

This old version should still work, right? hmm
I just built it

oknvm my bad. Seems to be bugged. I'll build it via another source and report it here.

Last edited by NeXT (2019-08-15 14:16:52)


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