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Hello respected members of the Arch Linux community,
I have been trying to install Arch Linux on my laptop for a few days by now. After many many hours on google and reading until my eyes dried out. I have given up and turning to you for help. The problem is that my laptop has only a 64GB eMMC card as its one and only storage. The title says everything. I have tried cfdisk and fdisk without any hope.
I feel like there is a way to get a hold of that error from some sort of error log file. However, I am still, to some degree, a newbie. I hope the above image is adequate enough.
Any help would be very much appreciated!
Last edited by Erotaku (2019-09-11 11:02:23)
Your eMMC has bad blocks. It's possibly nearing its death.
Also, please just post thumbnails and actual text instead of images of text.
Inofficial first vice president of the Rust Evangelism Strike Force
Your eMMC has bad blocks. It's possibly nearing its death.
Also, please just post thumbnails and actual text instead of images of text.
That's almost quite impossible. The laptop was purchased not long ago. It's a number of weeks old... It arrived with windows and I have been using it ever since. I have fully filled the storage with downloads a few times without a hitch or problem.
I can not say that you are plain out wrong. However, I would like to believe that there is another reason where this problem stems from.
Also, thank you for the advice. As I mentioned in my OP, I had no way of obtaining a log file with my limited knowledge, and this was the only way out for me. My apologies.
Last edited by Erotaku (2019-09-11 10:57:05)
There's a reason why some manufacturers build eMMCs into devices instead of SSDs: They're cheap.
And they are cheap, because their technology is not very solid. They easily break.
In our company we deployed some Intel Compute Sticks for Digital Signage solutions.
Some of them, i.e. their eMMCs, broke after several weeks while others are still running for years now.
It's Russian Roulette with these things.
Regarding posting of text, read this and this and replace the image with a link to it before a moderator does it.
Last edited by schard (2019-09-11 10:58:33)
Inofficial first vice president of the Rust Evangelism Strike Force
There's a reason why some manufacturers build eMMCs into devices instead of SSDs: They're cheap.
And they are cheap, because their technology is not very solid. They easily break.
In our company we deployed some Intel Compute Sticks for Digital Signage solutions.
Some of them, i.e. their eMMCs, broke after several weeks while others are still running for years now.
It's Russian Roulette with these things.
Regarding posting of text, read this and replace the image with a link to it before a moderator does it.
I see. That's quite unfortunate to read. Well, not sure what I can do from here on then. Luckily, I have an m2 SSD expansion slot under the laptop that I can populate. I will see
Thank you for your help! The link too. I will learn something new.
Pages: 1