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Hello everyone!
I've been using Arch for 3-4 months, but always with systemd-boot. I wanted to try booting without any bootloader, so I decided to make a new, fresh Arch installation. I was following the installation guide, so command I've used was (in my case):
"efibootmgr --disk /dev/sda --part 1 --create --label "Arch" --loader /vmlinuz-linux --unicode 'root=PARTUUID=XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX (proper root partition's PARTUUID instead of X..) rw initrd=\initramfs-linux.img initrd=\intel-ucode.img' --verbose", so as you can see I've also added intel microcode.
Any suggestions what's wrong?
I apologise for any possible language mistakes and greetings from Poland!
Well what's wrong? You didn't actually specify the error.
In any case issues here can be highly dependent on your vendor, so which motherboard/laptop model is this? There's often a high possibility that your firmware does not support passing parameters to EFI entries, in which case you have to use an intermediary boot loader.
1) You did not mention any problem / error message at all.
2) Use code tags when posting command line I/O.
3) The partuuid is not a secret. You don't need to redact it.
4) The microcode must be the first initrd entry.
If 4) does not solve your issue, provide more at least some information.
Inofficial first vice president of the Rust Evangelism Strike Force
1) Oh sorry, I edited post before submiting. Here is error:
Initramfs unpacking failed: Invalid magic at start of compressed archive.
3) I know that PARTUUID isn't a secret, but I'm writing this massage on my mobile and now I don't have access to this PARTUUID.
4) I'll try
I apologise for any possible language mistakes and greetings from Poland!
Yep, 4) is exactly your problem. The initramfs is overwritten by the microcode.
Inofficial first vice president of the Rust Evangelism Strike Force
Yes, everything looks good. Thank you.
EDIT: I have one more question. I want to make boot process silent. How can I achieve that with EFISTUB?
Last edited by samoloth (2019-09-11 15:30:20)
I apologise for any possible language mistakes and greetings from Poland!
I want to make boot process silent. How can I achieve that with EFISTUB?
rrrunninggg arrrch rrreally faaast
Pages: 1