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After following most of the steps in both: … _with_swap
With the only exception being the swap configuration, as I don't setup any swap.
I get the following output from systemd:
Starting version 243.0-1-arch
ERROR: device 'UUID=8753ee71-2027-4103-b675-e04184157b22' not found. Skipping fsck.
mount: /new_root: can't find UUID=8753ee71-2027-4103-b675-e04184157b22.
sh: can't access tty; job control turned off
A regular btrfs install without luks works fine.
Note: I am doing this after suddenly my whole btrfs root fs turned readonly mode with over 20% of disk space left.
Last edited by Gotek (2019-09-17 00:14:23)
Without details of your partition table, boot loader/manager configs etc, no-one can offer anything other than handwavy motions...
Please see How To Ask Questions The Smart Way.
Well, my partition table was
sda1 200M EF00 fat32 efi partition
sda2 rest-of-the-disk 8300 luks container, btrfs root partition
The only changes made to /etc/default/grub were taken from … _with_swap
...which was the problem in the end. I looked into the /etc/fstab, /etc/default/grub, and /etc/mkinitcpio.conf from my backups to compare with the wiki article/current setup. And my /etc/default/grub from the backups had the following line different:
Which is the UUID of sda2, *not* the mapped /dev/mapper/cryptroot. With that line, with the correct UUID, added to /etc/default/grub of the current setup it booted promplty.
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