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hello, i'm trying to set up a web file server at work right now. it has to be easy enough to use so that someone without knowledge of htaccess, servers, can upload files and changes permissions.
currently, i'm running lighttpd with directory listing. i also wrote up a quick c# script to automatically rsync with a shared windows resource. i parse some _passwd.txt files and i restart lighttpd if anything changes.
yeah...not very efficient...
are there any good tools out there that serves the basic web file server with authentication?
i've looked into some CMS systems, but they are all overkill...i don't need the news/forums/blah blah blah.
We had a similar issue with the requirements that the users had to have a fimiliar user interface and I had to have a secure athentication method. WebDav was out because of the way it worked in a multiuser environment.
So what we did is this: We create a user on the webserver using the same user name that exists on the windows machines. I compiled rssh and this allows for ssh encripted file transfers without shell access (they get it if they ask, instead of /bin/bash use /usr/local/bin/rssh in /etc/passwd), athentication on the Linux side is via PAM to the windows DC(allows for the user to use their windows password). Then something called "webdrive" is installed on each windows PC (don't think it's free - I haven't seen or used it), but what it does is to allow for "mapping a drive" on the users PC but connects to the webserver using SSH. So far the users like it because it behaves just like mapping any other drive - something that they are used to using.
Don't know if that helps but it works for us.
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