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I started to use arch64 but I can't find the Tahoma font. I think it's a font from ttf-ms but I can't find it and some apps (pdf/ps viewer) started to complain.
I have seen on the forum some issues with the Tahoma font. Was it removed from ttf-ms ?
Tahoma isn't in ttf-ms.
As I have a Windows partition on my laptop, I just grabbed some of the windows fonts and put them on my Arch partition.
I don't think they are freely available to download.
Actually the latest version of ttf-ms-fonts includes Tahoma.
Yes it does, but it looks damn ugly when rendered with the freetype2 autohinter. Maybe the bytecode hinter does its job better.
If AMD64 doesn't have the 2.0 version of the package yet, you could try to install the i686 version on amd64. Fonts are architecture independent, so installing i686 font packages does no harm.