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#1 2019-12-04 22:31:30

Registered: 2015-09-03
Posts: 229

Configuration issues with tmux 3.0_a

I just updated to tmux 3.0_a-1 from tmux 2.9_a-4, and am having issues with the config file not setting some of the configs properly. I'm running into issues specifically with bind-key \ and styling the status line.

status line related issue:

set-option -g status-position top
set -g status-bg '#666666'
set -g status-fg '#aaaaaa'
set -g status-left-length 50
set -g status-right " #P " # <-- line that breaks config
set -g status-right " #(date '+%a, %b %d - %I:%M') "

If I take

set -g status-right " #P " 

out everything loads fine. I can also run that line after tmux has started up without any issues. If that line is in there during start up I get the error:

.tmux.conf:6: usage: set-option [-aFgopqsuw] [-t target-pane] option [value] 

It occurs at:

set-option -g status-position top.

bind-key \ issue:

bind-key \\ split-window -h -c '#{pane_current_path}'

Adding the extra \ is supposed to address problems with the new parser being used, but hitting the prefix key + \ does nothing now.

I posted on the Unix stack exchange, and the the user responding was not able to reproduce the bug. Has anyone else on Arch experienced this?


#2 2019-12-05 00:46:47

Inspector Parrot
Registered: 2011-11-29
Posts: 29,548

Re: Configuration issues with tmux 3.0_a

zerophase wrote:

... Has anyone else on Arch experienced this?

I had noticed my '\' binding stopped working.  I hadn't had time to investigate, so I just changed it.  So I owe you some thanks as I just put it back with \\ and it is working perfectly.  So I'm also unable to replicate that problem.  Have you tried changing the action of that binding to something else temporarily: that way you can see if the binding is failing, or if it is just the action not doing what you hope.

Last edited by Trilby (2019-12-05 00:47:15)

"UNIX is simple and coherent..." - Dennis Ritchie, "GNU's Not UNIX" -  Richard Stallman


#3 2019-12-05 02:10:12

Registered: 2015-09-03
Posts: 229

Re: Configuration issues with tmux 3.0_a

Yeah, I got it working. I have not used tmux in a month I thought I just needed to hit ctrl + \, not ctrl + s and then \.

The status line still errors out if I try to add the current pane number in the config file still.


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