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I just created bootable usb and tried to install arch.
After boot menu it have me an error:
Probing EDD(edd=off to disable)...ok
And the cursor is blinking.
Not sure what the problem is..
Nvidia optimus, so I highly doubt it is the problem.
How would I fix it?
Welcome to the arch linux forums H4ppyS0uL. Does disabling modesetting allow you to reach a console?
A quick google search gives *many* related results almost all of which end up highlighting that the EDD message is nornal and not the source of the problem. Booting just fails after that point. In addition to disabling modesetting, you could pass 'intel_pstate=no_hwp' as described here.
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
I tried that and it didn't work
I already tried that triby
Ok, given how quickly you responded to these suggestions, I gather you tried them *before* we mentioned them.
Save us all a lot of time and frustration and actually describe what you have already done.
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
Also which version of the ISO was the USB created from and did you verify the ISO?
Last edited by loqs (2019-12-14 14:34:55)
I used etcher to make archlinux-2019.12.01-x86_64.iso bootable
Yes I verified iso before making it bootable
Does adding the following boot options make any difference
mitigations=off ignore_loglevel init_on_alloc=0 iommu=off acpi=off
If that does not work please provide more details of the hardware.
Have you tested any other linux installers on that system?
Last edited by loqs (2019-12-14 14:48:27)
Thank you very much loqs.
The options that you provided above worked
But I am unable to type anything in tty1.
I have root@archiso prompt but unable to type anything.
Most likely acpi=off broke a lot of device detection. Can you still boot without that option?
See kernel-parameters.txt for other values you can pass to the acpi option.
I am unable to boot if I remove acpi=off
When I boot with only one boot option acpi=off , it boots but I am unable to use my keyboard.
Thank you for providing me link to kernel-parameters.
I will see if I can find a working parameter.
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