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I am trying to install Arch separating root and home into different partitions, following the scheme as shown here. The wiki page for the installation guide defines the root+home directory as /mnt, so when I got to the installation of the essential packages, I ran the following command according to scheme I am trying to run to have root separated:
pacstrap / base linux linux-firmware
But what I've got was
==> Creating install root at /
mount: /proc: proc already mounted on /proc.
==> ERROR: failed to setup chroot /
The partitions are correctly formatted and correctly mounted, having checked with
lsblk -f
Any reason as to why Arch won't run with the installation? Even if my root is mounted on "/", should I have run "pacstrap /mnt base linux linux-firmware"?
Last edited by mepqfilho (2020-01-01 19:37:34)
That's not the pacstrap command in the guide. Your intended root is mounted at /mnt if you followed the rest of the guide correctly.
If I wanted to have root and home jointly inside the same partition, yes, I would mount on "/mnt', but there are other partitioning layouts the wiki suggests. In my case, I'm trying to split the root and home, and for that, the wiki recommends mounting the root on "/", isn't that right?
Last edited by mepqfilho (2019-12-31 21:57:03)
No. Your target root is / - but it is mounted on the current /mnt: so you pacstrap to /mnt
You mount your home to /mnt/home. … le_systems
So if I understood correctly, I'd do
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/home
mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/boot
After mounting the root filesystem to /mnt you need to created the mount points for the other filesystems before you mount them.
Last edited by loqs (2019-12-31 23:27:36)