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Which value should I set in the arch variable when creating PKGBUILD for .NET Core packages, there are not any wiki page mentioning packaging .NET Core applications (only Mono).
When there are no specific guidelines the general guidelines are valid, check … guidelines .
After reading it you should be able to answer your own question,
Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.
clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky
I have already read that, but the question I wanted to ask is: The compiled .NET Core application is architecture-specific or not? Can it be run on other architectures without re-compiling or not?
That depends on the application itself and you haven't named it.
For now, put x86_64 as arch .
Once your package builds, run
namcap your-package.pkg.tar.xz
and post the output.
namcap checks many things, one of them is whether the value in the arch array matches the created binaries.
Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.
clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky
Thanks for mentioning namcap, it checked it with it and it reminded me of custom libraries were compiled so the application is x86_64:
osu-lazer-git W: ELF file ('usr/lib/osu-lazer/') lacks FULL RELRO, check LDFLAGS.
osu-lazer-git W: ELF file ('usr/lib/osu-lazer/') lacks FULL RELRO, check LDFLAGS.
osu-lazer-git W: ELF file ('usr/lib/osu-lazer/') lacks FULL RELRO, check LDFLAGS.
osu-lazer-git W: ELF file ('usr/lib/osu-lazer/') lacks FULL RELRO, check LDFLAGS.
osu-lazer-git W: unneeded dependency on a package run when needed by hooks.
osu-lazer-git E: Missing custom license directory (usr/share/licenses/osu-lazer-git)
osu-lazer-git W: Dependency included and not needed ('dotnet-sdk')
osu-lazer-git W: Dependency included and not needed ('ffmpeg')
osu-lazer-git W: Dependency included and not needed ('shared-mime-info')
TL;DR : please post your PKGBUILD if you want help with these.
osu-lazer-git W: ELF file ('usr/lib/osu-lazer/') lacks FULL RELRO, check LDFLAGS.
osu-lazer-git W: ELF file ('usr/lib/osu-lazer/') lacks FULL RELRO, check LDFLAGS.
osu-lazer-git W: ELF file ('usr/lib/osu-lazer/') lacks FULL RELRO, check LDFLAGS.
osu-lazer-git W: ELF file ('usr/lib/osu-lazer/') lacks FULL RELRO, check LDFLAGS.
These indicate archlinux default flags aren't used, this can usually be solved but how depends on the specific build system (cmake, autotools, meson, ninja etc) the software uses.
osu-lazer-git W: unneeded dependency on a package run when needed by hooks.
This message is new for me, maybe others can help.
osu-lazer-git E: Missing custom license directory (usr/share/licenses/osu-lazer-git)
this needs to be corrected.
osu-lazer-git W: Dependency included and not needed ('dotnet-sdk')
osu-lazer-git W: Dependency included and not needed ('ffmpeg')
osu-lazer-git W: Dependency included and not needed ('shared-mime-info')
Could be false positives.
Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.
clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky
The package is on the AUR along with its PKGBUILD (I adopted it from the previous maintainer):
Last edited by huupoke12 (2020-01-06 14:05:20)
The missing license directory is due to the use of $pkgname%-git) in the package() function .
This results in licences being in /usr/share/licenses/osu-lazer folder instead of /usr/share/licenses/osu-lazer-git folder.
To avoid / minimize conflicts with the osu-lazer stable package I'd personally use ${pkgname} throughout the osu-lazer-git PKGBUILD and append -git to provided sourcefiles (so osu-launcher-git ).
This would look cleaner and may allow osu-lazer & osu-lazer-git to coexist .
Last edited by Lone_Wolf (2020-01-06 13:48:10)
Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.
clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky