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i am a Arch Linux Beginner :-)
Yesterday my system is frozen while an update was in progress. Now I have a kernel panic when I restart the system. The Message is:
/usr/lib/ file to short
Correct!? The size ist 0Byte. iptables was included in the update, so it fits
Now I have started a live CD and I am chrooted.
pacman -S iptables
does not work. The Message: "Failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)" and then a long list of files follows.
The size of /var/lib/pacman/local/iptables-version/files is also 0Bytes.
pacman -S iptable --overwrite
requires another parameter - but I'm not sure. Can someone tell me the correct command? Or what else should I do?
Overwrite requires a glob pattern, like you might've already used in file manipulations in the shell for the example you gave you'd use
pacman -S iptables --overwrite usr/lib/
if there are more in that directory you can match on multiple hits with e.g.
pacman -S iptables --overwrite usr/lib/libpip*
or similar.
Post the actual output you get if you don't manage to do it. You can use a pastebin client to paste from the live system: … in_clients
Last edited by V1del (2020-01-10 09:36:42)
here are the result of pacman -S iptables --overwrite=usr/*
What means "Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate..."
OK, this three packages were affected: iptables, mesa & libedit.
I reinstalled all three packages with this command:
pacman -S libedit --overwrite=usr/*
After a new start, i was in a rescue console. I had a problem with systemd.
pacman -S systemd
the system started up normally.
Should I check something now?