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Hello everyone, I'm fairly new to Arch and Linux but after getting comfortable with some distros I followed the wiki and managed to get it installed. However, my main issue is that I can't boot into grub at all. I'm doing a fresh install on my SSD with nothing else on it after install it boots straight into my BIOS I saw someone who had a similar issue and fixed it by adding the EFI as trusted in their BIOS through secure boot and then turning it off, tried that and it didn't work. However, I did manage and can boot into it via the Manjaro installer! as it can detect other EFI bootloaders so I managed to launch into Arch although it still doesn't launch through my BIOS. I was wondering if there is a way I can fix it from here? Also, I installed it in UEFI mode.
Here is the output of efibootmgr -v
BootCurrent: 0003
Timeout: 1 seconds
BootOrder: 0003,0004,0001,0002
Boot0001 Hard Drive BBS(HD,,0x0)/VenHw(5ce8128b-2cec-40f0-8372-80640e3dc858,0200)..GO..NO..........S.T.\.,.@.r.d.=.X..........A...........................>..Gd-.;.A..MQ..L. . . . . . . . . . . . .1.S.2.D.H.B.Z.H........BO..NO..........C.T.5.0.0.M.X.5.0.0.S.S.D.1...................\.,.@.r.d.=.X..........A...........................>..Gd-.;.A..MQ..L. . . . . . . . ........BO..NO..........S.a.m.s.u.n.g. .S.S.D. .9.6.0. .E.V.O. .2.5.0.G.B...................\.,.@.r.d.=.X..........A...........................%8Rq.H......4..Gd-.;.A..MQ..L.S.3.E.S.N.X.0.J.
Boot0002 USB KEY BBS(HD,,0x0)/VenHw(5ce8128b-2cec-40f0-8372-80640e3dc858,0b00)..GO..NO..........S.a.n.D.i.s.k...................\.,.@.r.d.=.X..........A.......................>..Gd-.;.A..MQ..L.4.C.
Boot0003* UEFI: SanDisk PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(21,0)/CDROM(1,0x5647ac,0x8000)..BO
Boot0004* UEFI: SanDisk, Partition 2 PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x14,0x0)/USB(21,0)/HD(2,MBR,0x0,0x5647ac,0x2000)..BO
[root@caedon caedon]#
What's your mainboard? Depending on the implementation you might have to install GRUB in removable mode: … allation_2 (note the green tip box)
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