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when I try to boot Arch Linux with bootloader Grub I get this error:
ERROR: device 'UUID=1b0a866a- ...
The boot process gets stopped in emergency shell.
For details of the error I have attached a screenshot.
To start root cause analysis I booted from system rescue CD and chrooted into my installation.
Searching for the string "1b0a866a" in /etc returned several hits.
And, what is more important, the output of blkid confirmed the correct UUID.
Also for this I have attached another screenshot.
What I don't understand is that boot process fails due to incorrect UUID, but blkid confirms this UUID to be correct.
Please advise.
Last edited by cmonty14 (2020-01-28 08:07:45)
mkinitcpio -p linux
in chroot modus fixed the problem.