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Where need put voices for Festival and that voices? From where it get?
Festival executable is in /usr/bin/festival.
I install festival using 'pacman -S festival'.
I have ksayit and kttsmgr.
In "Talkers" tab of kttsmgr, pressing "Add" button in "Language: English (United States of America)", "Synthesizer: Festival Interactive".
And pressing "OK" button.
In "Talker Configuraion - kttsmgr" window "Festival executable: /usr/bin/festival".
"Select voice:" is empty and "Rescan" button do not help.
How make that be in "Select voice:" some voice?
moved to workstation user
You need to add some speakers, like festival-kallpc16k.
This and others is available via pacman.
# pacman -Ss festival
But there: - [al@myhost ~]$ pacman -Ss festival
extra/festival 1.95beta-2
Festival is a general multi-lingual speech synthesis system developed at
CSTR (Centre for Speech Technology Research).
extra/festival-awb-arctic 1.0-1
Scottish English male speaker (AWB), using excited residual LPC multisyn
extra/festival-don 1.95-1
British English RP male speaker using using spike excited LPC diphone
extra/festival-kallpc16k 1.95-2
British English RP male speaker
extra/festival-rablpc16k 1.95-1
British English RP male speaker
extra/flite 1.3-2
A lighweight version of festival speech synthesis
- only english speakers.
How install lithuanian or russian?
And then install 'pacman -S festival-kallpc16k'.
In "Select voice:" now is "Amerikan Male (kal_diphone)".
How make that be, then pressing in KSayit menu, "Settings", "Configure KSayit...", in "Setup - KSayit" window be "TTS System" and "Mbrola" in listbox like show in this image: (