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#26 2006-08-21 17:44:37

Registered: 2005-11-05
Posts: 634

Re: UTF8 - Support out of the box

mingfal wrote:

Dejavu doesnt include any character of Chinese AFAIK. If you want to make the square of Chinese look right, please install ttf-arphic-uming to have a good experience, for the bitmap fonts are too ugly.

Thanks for the tip, I wanted to view some kanji smile

On my mothers PC, utf8 seemed to work out of the box with GTK2 apps while KDE apps showed squares...


#27 2006-08-27 13:42:54

Registered: 2004-02-23
Posts: 92

Re: UTF8 - Support out of the box

If anyone's interested in utf8 mc, I had a look at gentoo's ebuild and built a working version.. The main point is that it should be compiled with --with-screen=slang and needs to depend (naturally) on slang (with utf8 support) for the patch to work at all.
Further, the current utf8 patch does not apply correctly. Gentoo has a more recent patch that applies cleanly and works. It can be had from e.g. … .patch.bz2

Happy utf8ing.  8)

PS: will stick this on a bug report somewhere..


#28 2006-08-28 06:51:08

Forum Fellow
Registered: 2005-12-07
Posts: 1,054

Re: UTF8 - Support out of the box

Are your mc-utf8 different from mc-utf8 in Community?

to live is to die


#29 2006-08-28 11:45:30

Registered: 2004-02-23
Posts: 92

Re: UTF8 - Support out of the box

Ah, well I didn't know about that  :oops:
However, my build is just the official package with a fixed patch and built against the version of slang in the standard repos. It is a correction of an error that was made in the use of that patch in the first place. It at least allows everything to display properly for me, although I should point out that I haven't tried it with any non-western characters yet... I just get a nice feeling from having utf8 working.. just in case. Sad, I know.

The main differences I can see between this and mc-utf8 is that mine is still built with x and gnome support etc. Also the version of slang in the standard repo is 2.0.6 while slang-utf8 is 1.4.9. Since my build works for me I had assumed that this newer slang 'just works' with utf8. Perhaps when I come across a more exotic character, or try to do some non-english input, I will find out I'm wrong..

..Having just looked at a utf8 file in the mc editor it seems it at least correctly interprets utf8.. the only thing missing seems to be a font with all the chars in.. If it helps, hebrew and arabic characters are showing up in mc in gnome-terminal.


#30 2006-08-28 15:35:25

Forum Fellow
Registered: 2005-12-07
Posts: 1,054

Re: UTF8 - Support out of the box

Thikasabrik wrote:

The main differences I can see between this and mc-utf8 is that mine is still built with x and gnome support etc.

I don't like this. Will it work without X and GNOME installed? If yes - than it's OK, but only without depends=('xorg-server' 'gnome').

Thikasabrik wrote:

Also the version of slang in the standard repo is 2.0.6 while slang-utf8 is 1.4.9. Since my build works for me I had assumed that this newer slang 'just works' with utf8. Perhaps when I come across a more exotic character, or try to do some non-english input, I will find out I'm wrong..

Yes, Slang2 supports UTF-8 without patching.

Thikasabrik wrote:

..Having just looked at a utf8 file in the mc editor it seems it at least correctly interprets utf8.. the only thing missing seems to be a font with all the chars in.. If it helps, hebrew and arabic characters are showing up in mc in gnome-terminal.

Hebrew and arabic characters in gnome-terminal are good. But rendering UTF-8 fonts in gnome-terminal and plain text console are completely different things.
Please post your PKGBUILD so I can check it on plain text console with cyrillic characters.

to live is to die


#31 2006-08-29 17:01:56

Registered: 2004-02-23
Posts: 92

Re: UTF8 - Support out of the box

As requested. md5 sums disabled as I haven't updated them yet. The patch file is here: … .patch.bz2 as before.

pkgdesc="A filemanager/shell that emulates Norton Commander"
depends=('e2fsprogs' 'glib2' 'gpm' 'slang')
#md5sums=('18b20db6e40480a53bac2870c56fc3c4' '07ef6dc2b1e601c5164ad6030b630c3b')

build() {
  cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
  patch -p1 -i $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver-utf8-r1.patch
  ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-x --enable-charset --with-screen=slang
  make || return 1
  make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install
  rm -r $startdir/pkg/usr/{man/man8/,man/sr/,sbin}

The depends are the same as the current repo package. If that worked without x, this will too.
I realise x terminal and plain console are rather different scenarios. I can tell you that unicode characters are at least properly recognised as such in plain text mode, but for me (probably because of my font) the non-ascii ones mostly show up as the no-char symbol. In x, as i say, characters work if the terminal font has them. No display errors where there were before.


#32 2006-08-30 08:28:46

Forum Fellow
Registered: 2005-12-07
Posts: 1,054

Re: UTF8 - Support out of the box

Thank you! I'll try it.

BTW, does anyone know why mc depends on e2fsprogs??? Is this a strict dependency, or optional? mc-utf8 from Community does not depend on e2fsprogs but works correct.

to live is to die


#33 2006-08-30 16:30:18

Registered: 2004-02-23
Posts: 92

Re: UTF8 - Support out of the box

It's probably the ext2/3 undelete feature that mc has. I suppose it *might* run without, certainly worth a try.. but e2fsprogs is a pretty common thing to have installed on linux.


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