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#1 2020-02-21 00:21:06

Registered: 2019-12-23
Posts: 4

[SOLVED] Bitmap Fonts not Falling Back DWM/DMenu

I am trying to run dmenu and dwm with bitmap fonts. For example, let's use terminus.

I can run dmenu with terminus using this annoying xft font name

echo english | dmenu -fn terminus:pixelsize=12:style=medium:file=/usr/share/fonts/misc/ter-x12n.pcf.gz

and this works just fine. However, since terminus isn't a unicode font, when I send non-latin characters to dmenu, such as "english日本語", dmenu outputs "english[][][]" (where [] is the missing box-like character).

I want to set a fallback font for unicode when I can't use terminus. However, I noticed I don't have this problem in st, which I think doesn't use fontconfig. So I believe this to be a fontconfig issue rather than a dwm/dmenu issue, and I'll have to set the fallback in my fontconfig files. Does anyone know how to do this?

Here I treid to use tewi font, which has the same problem.
the output `fc-match -s "lucy tewi"` is this:

tewi-medium-11.pcf.gz: "lucy tewi" "Regular"
tewi-bold-11.pcf.gz: "lucy tewi" "Bold"
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NotoSerifSinhala-Regular.ttf: "Noto Serif Sinhala" "Regular"
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SourceHanSansJP-Regular.otf: "Source Han Sans JP" "Regular"
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NotoSansInscriptionalParthian-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Inscriptional Parthian" "Regular"
NotoSansJavanese-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Javanese" "Regular"
NotoSansKaithi-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Kaithi" "Regular"
NotoSansKayahLi-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Kayah Li" "Regular"
NotoSansKharoshthi-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Kharoshthi" "Regular"
NotoSansKhudawadi-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Khudawadi" "Regular"
NotoSansLao-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Lao" "Regular"
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NotoSansLydian-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Lydian" "Regular"
NotoSansMahajani-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Mahajani" "Regular"
NotoSansMalayalam-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Malayalam" "Regular"
NotoSansMandaic-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Mandaic" "Regular"
NotoSansManichaean-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Manichaean" "Regular"
NotoSansMarchen-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Marchen" "Regular"
NotoSansMayanNumerals-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Mayan Numerals" "Regular"
NotoSansMeeteiMayek-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Meetei Mayek" "Regular"
NotoSansMendeKikakui-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Mende Kikakui" "Regular"
NotoSansMeroitic-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Meroitic" "Regular"
NotoSansMiao-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Miao" "Regular"
NotoSansModi-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Modi" "Regular"
NotoSansMongolian-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Mongolian" "Regular"
NotoSansMro-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Mro" "Regular"
NotoSansMultani-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Multani" "Regular"
NotoSansNKo-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans NKo" "Regular"
NotoSansNabataean-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Nabataean" "Regular"
NotoSansNewTaiLue-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans New Tai Lue" "Regular"
NotoSansOlChiki-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Ol Chiki" "Regular"
NotoSansOldNorthArabian-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Old North Arabian" "Regular"
NotoSansOldPermic-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Old Permic" "Regular"
NotoSansOldPersian-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Old Persian" "Regular"
NotoSansOldSogdian-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Old Sogdian" "Regular"
NotoSansOldSouthArabian-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Old South Arabian" "Regular"
NotoSansOldTurkic-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Old Turkic" "Regular"
NotoSansOsage-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Osage" "Regular"
NotoSansOsmanya-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Osmanya" "Regular"
NotoSansPahawhHmong-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Pahawh Hmong" "Regular"
NotoSansPalmyrene-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Palmyrene" "Regular"
NotoSansPauCinHau-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Pau Cin Hau" "Regular"
NotoSansPhagsPa-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans PhagsPa" "Regular"
NotoSansPhoenician-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Phoenician" "Regular"
NotoSansPsalterPahlavi-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Psalter Pahlavi" "Regular"
NotoSansRejang-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Rejang" "Regular"
NotoSansRunic-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Runic" "Regular"
NotoSansSamaritan-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Samaritan" "Regular"
NotoSansSaurashtra-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Saurashtra" "Regular"
NotoSansShavian-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Shavian" "Regular"
NotoSansSoraSompeng-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Sora Sompeng" "Regular"
NotoSansSundanese-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Sundanese" "Regular"
NotoSansSylotiNagri-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Syloti Nagri" "Regular"
NotoSansSymbols-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Symbols" "Regular"
NotoSansSyriac-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Syriac" "Regular"
NotoSansTagalog-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Tagalog" "Regular"
NotoSansTagbanwa-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Tagbanwa" "Regular"
NotoSansTaiLe-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Tai Le" "Regular"
NotoSansTaiViet-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Tai Viet" "Regular"
NotoSansTakri-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Takri" "Regular"
NotoSansTamil-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Tamil" "Regular"
NotoSansTelugu-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Telugu" "Regular"
NotoSansThaana-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Thaana" "Regular"
NotoSansThai-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Thai" "Regular"
NotoSansUgaritic-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Ugaritic" "Regular"
NotoSansVai-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Vai" "Regular"
NotoSansWarangCiti-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Warang Citi" "Regular"
NotoSansYi-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Yi" "Regular"
NotoSerifBalinese-Regular.ttf: "Noto Serif Balinese" "Regular"
NotoSerifGujarati-Regular.ttf: "Noto Serif Gujarati" "Regular"
NotoSerifTangut-Regular.ttf: "Noto Serif Tangut" "Regular"
NotoSansTaiTham-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Tai Tham" "Regular"
NotoSansOriya-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Oriya" "Regular"
SyrCOMKharput.otf: "Serto Kharput" "Regular"
NotoSansTamilSupplement-Regular.ttf: "Noto Sans Tamil Supplement" "Regular"
NotoSerifDogra-Regular.ttf: "Noto Serif Dogra" "Regular"
DejaVuSansMono-Bold.ttf: "DejaVu Sans Mono" "Bold"
DejaVuSerif-Italic.ttf: "DejaVu Serif" "Italic"
UTRG__12-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz: "Adobe Utopia" "Regular"
7x13-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz: "Misc Fixed" "Regular"
ter-x12n.pcf.gz: "xos4 Terminus" "Regular"
12x13ja.pcf.gz: "Misc Fixed Wide" "ja"
6x13.pcf.gz: "Misc Fixed" "SemiCondensed"
9x15.pcf.gz: "Misc Fixed" "Regular"
creep-16.bdf: "creep" "Regular"
cu12.pcf.gz: "MUTT ClearlyU Wide" "Regular"
cu-alt12.pcf.gz: "MUTT ClearlyU Alternate Glyphs Wide" "Regular"
cu-pua12.pcf.gz: "MUTT ClearlyU PUA" "Regular"
18x18ja.pcf.gz: "Misc Fixed Wide" "ja"

there is a fallback listed for every language, so maybe my initial assessment was incorrect.

Last edited by accy (2020-02-21 01:30:19)


#2 2020-02-21 01:29:45

Registered: 2019-12-23
Posts: 4

Re: [SOLVED] Bitmap Fonts not Falling Back DWM/DMenu

the problem was with manually specifying the font file. apparently if you do this, fontconfig will not fall back.

you can use `fc-match -a` (pipe it into grep) to find out what fontconfig wants your font to be called. In the terminus example, it's "xos4 Terminus".
so, if we invoke dmenu this way

echo english日本語 | dmenu -fn "xos4 Terminus:pixelsize=12"

our output is as expected.


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