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I think pacman try to install too much packages because of dependances... An example, when I want to install beagle or tomboy, pacman force the installation of evolution and evolution-sharp too... OK, no problems, try to remove evolution, pacman says evolution-sharp needs evolution, remove evolution-sharp?, pacman says tomboy and beagle need evolution-sharp so, I wonder why ?
On other distos, I have beagle and tomboy installed without evolution, why pacman wants to install evolution ?
There are other examples but I don't remind them ...
It's to do with how the packages are configured when the source is compiled. Basically, deal with it, rebuild them yourself using ABS, or use "other" distros Gentoo is good for cutting down dependancies if you have the shear grunt force you need to compile everything.
Desktop: AMD Athlon64 3800+ Venice Core, 2GB PC3200, 2x160GB Maxtor DiamondMax 10, 2x320GB WD Caviar RE, Nvidia 6600GT 256MB
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Until pacman gets a "suggests" function this will happen to pkgs. Evolution-sharp is listed as an optional dep at Beagle's homepage and I can see the case of where it would be included since many people would want that functionality compiled into the binary package. One of those deals where someone's going to unhappy no matter what. You can always file a bug of course.
Personally, I'd just edit the PKGBUILD and use ABS.
Just edit the PKGBUILDs and build your own packages.
Look for things like :
./configure --with-omg-feature --enable-foo-bindings
However, I wonder why you care about dependencies, considering the capacity of modern hard disks.
yeah, beagle pushes the whole gnome thing... yek !
what goes up must come down
However, I wonder why you care about dependencies, considering the capacity of modern hard disks.
Because many users that have Arch at home have to pay for traffic they consumed why downloading updates for dependencies that they don't even need.
And some users just want to have their package list clean.
to live is to die
IMHO, beagle was made as a gnome project, and so I configure it with all gnome features. It's bloated anyways, so why not add evolution indexing support to it.
Anyways, if you want it to be optional: complain upstream at the beagle or mono developers. As long as beagle crashes when you pacman -Rd evolution or evolution-sharp, I won't ship it as optional.
IMHO, beagle was made as a gnome project, and so I configure it with all gnome features. It's bloated anyways, so why not add evolution indexing support to it.
Agree. In this case beagle should be compiled with all GNOME features. This is the different case from php/openldap/sasl/mysql/pgsql.
However, I don't understand why GNOME developers put so many Mono apps in mainline. I like that KDE has only C++ apps bundled, not Python/Ruby/Perl/Mono.
Including programs written in different languages that require additional support libs is... mmm... stupid IMHO.
to live is to die