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#6801 2020-03-27 20:30:04

From: Amsterdam, NL
Registered: 2020-03-27
Posts: 7

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread


I'm  Mrout Yasuo Sluijter-Borms from Amsterdam NL.

I just got myself an ASUS FX505DU with  Ryzen7-3750h / Vega 10 + GTX 1660Ti

At Hacker Hotel 2020 I met a mr Kiljan who advised me to look at Arch Linux.

My surprise was that Arch ran after 30mins of following a 'how to install'

The only thing no one mentioned was the need for NetworkManager to make my network run after reboot.

And more surprising: installing Gnome without makes my laptop run out of the box with live pluggable
HDMI/Nvidia for second monitor!!

I started off with Slackware in the mid 90's, switched to Debian, SuSE, Debian again and then Ubuntu.
Since the Amazon button appeared in Ubuntu I have been looking for a replacement.

Arch will be it.

Although I will continue to use ubuntu for my les experienced customers/users desktops.

Last edited by hainjedaf (2020-03-27 20:33:07)


#6802 2020-03-27 22:22:57

Registered: 2020-03-27
Posts: 2

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread


I'm mate377, I started using linux (ubuntu) 3 years ago and 1 year ago I switched to arch cool.

Even after 1 year is not all set-up yet... roll, but configuring my laptop and reach a decent environment has been a great satisfaction!

I like this distro and I'm sure I'll like the community too! (You like the newbies, don't you?) lol


#6803 2020-04-01 17:13:06

From: Germany
Registered: 2020-04-01
Posts: 19

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread


I'm actually not a newbie but I wanted to share my story nonetheless since it's a bit funny. I'm an IT guy doing mostly administration, scripting and also a bit of SQL and reporting stuff.
I first started with Linux back in 1998, using Slackware first (which was great for learning Unix/Linux back then since it was very Unix-y), then Debian (great reputation, stable and all but also very... special and convoluted), then Crux (because everyone will try a source-based distro at least once, right?), then Arch. I tried some others along the way but these are the 4 I used for the longest time. Out of those 4, I found Arch to be the best and most suitable for general desktop use. And Arch was still new back then! I like that it was simple in the Unix sense (i.e. easy to understand from a technical perspective), generally very up to date (but still stable) and pacman, AUR and the rolling release model were already killer features even back then.

In ~2006 however, I started to switch away from Linux in general due to work and gaming-related reasons. I was always quite a gamer and the amount of tediousness you had to go through getting some games to work via Wine *back then* was fairly disappointing and time-consuming and results were shaky at best. And at work I was confronted mostly with the MS tech stack. So it felt like Windows was going to be the better choice for the time being. However, I was always fond of the idea of open source software and I continued using several open source tools and programs in Windows as well. That made the transition to Windows easier for me and I was quite happy with that setup for a while. Then, in around 2018, I played around with WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) as well as the open-source variant of powershell, and it was pretty much a game changer. I could now not only use (sometimes badly ported) OSS tools in Windows, I could simply run a whole Linux distribution from inside Windows in parallel without much overhead like with a VM and use the tools I need from inside that. So I slowly transitioned my workflows in Windows that I would mostly use the Linux shell and tools again, using mintty/wsltty as the terminal program. This made it easier again (especially considering updates). And I could do most of my powershell work usage from there as well. I was quite happy with that setup (and I still use that setup on my work machine).

Then, in 2019, I figured that since I use a lot of the Linux userland from within Windows, would I still need Windows on my home machine? So I really started to reconsider. Also around that time, my SSD at home that contained the Windows system partition died for some strange reason (suddenly SMART errors, unable to boot and so on, for no apparent reason). I never backup my OS partition (just data) so I would have had to re-install the W10 partition (Which never happened of course. wink)  I consider it a fateful event because that gave me the best and most immediate reason to install Arch again (I didn't even think twice about which distro to use).
So yeah, this happened in 2019. And I think that I should have never switched away in the first place. There have been so many amazing changes to the Linux ecosystem as a whole in all those years, it's really a joy to use these days. I'm still blown away by so many things. I think if you have used it back in the late 90s/early 00s and then compare it with today, you will know. For gaming, I realized there's pretty much no reason to use Windows anymore. I can install a random Windows game and chances are really high that it works fine using Proton/wine/..., quite often there's even a Linux port (which was pretty much utopia back then). I can use several MS tools I need for work directly from Linux so no issue there. Oh and hardware support? All my stuff just worked out of the box with very minor issues/tweaking only. Arch Linux as a distribution? It's not just this cool new but unknown Linux distro anymore but it grew to be one of the biggest ones there are (and of course it's very deserved). And it's like 99% of the reasons that were a major headache back then or that could be seen as arguments for me going in the Windows direction again have simply disappeared over the years. And so I'm very happy to not just be a 100% Linux user again, but also using Linux from within Windows at work. Yeah, times are good.

int pi = 3;


#6804 2020-04-01 19:26:39

From: Venezuela
Registered: 2019-08-01
Posts: 10

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Arch is excellent and I have learned a lot, in the short time I have been.
Greetings big_smile

Greetings from Venezuela cool


#6805 2020-04-03 17:14:33

From: Arizona
Registered: 2020-04-03
Posts: 23

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Not much to say, other than a huge thank you to all the Arch developers and this community!


#6806 2020-04-05 18:44:11

Registered: 2018-10-03
Posts: 3

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Big fan of the system already! I love the minimal installation and amazing package manager!


#6807 2020-04-06 07:02:52

Registered: 2020-04-06
Posts: 3

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread


I'm a newbie (:
After finally install arch on a vm on my macbook, I decided to install it on a PC, but didn't work as expected, I hope I get some help in this community smile!



#6808 2020-04-06 08:26:53

Registered: 2020-04-06
Posts: 5

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hey everyone


#6809 2020-04-07 02:33:27

Registered: 2020-04-07
Posts: 13

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hi, I just installed Arch Linux and I love it

Last edited by LinuxInTheBox (2020-04-07 02:33:41)

All of the world's fastest 500 supercomputers run Linux-based operating systems.
My Specs:


#6810 2020-04-07 16:54:21

Registered: 2020-04-07
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello everyone,

Arch newbie here, after years of using mostly Ubuntu based distros , i decided to try and complete an Arch install.
I somehow managed doing it and through a lot of reading on the wiki, various forum posts and  trial and error, I'm now
running Arch on my laptop with Xfce4 as a  DE (very little theming, only things i'm familiar with from other distros)

I plan on experimenting a lot with Arch (most likely breaking my installations). I hope i can get some help in this community and
maybe be of help to others facing a problem that i've fixed big_smile

Last edited by Pejchin (2020-04-07 16:55:19)


#6811 2020-04-08 16:24:25

Registered: 2020-03-22
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello everyone, I'm new to arch and learned a lot from the arch wiki and the community, really appreciate it.


#6812 2020-04-12 11:12:15

Registered: 2020-04-12
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hi Everyone,

I am Gaurav, by profession I am a software developer and love traveling and blogging.
Please check my work at -



#6813 2020-04-12 12:14:49

Inspector Parrot
Registered: 2011-11-29
Posts: 30,330

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Welcome Gaurav.  A quick FYI, your link looked suspicious in a first post: it looks more like marketing that a personal blog.  I almost flagged it for the moderators as spam until I followed the "About Us" link on that page to that it does look to be your project.  I post this here both as an FYI to you, and potentially to any moderators who check this out: if I almost reported your post, I suspect others may not dig as deep and will report it as spam (which it doesn't seem to be).

"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman


#6814 2020-04-12 15:30:19

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 20,294

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Thanks Trilby; and welcome gbselect.

Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way


#6815 2020-04-13 19:19:01

Registered: 2020-04-13
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello everyone.

New Arch user here.
Almost 30 years of using computers without linux.... till now.
Time to catch up on.


#6816 2020-04-18 22:49:35

Registered: 2020-04-18
Posts: 4

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello everyone,

I want to thank everyone who helped providing such excellent software, support and documentation for free.
Im new in the Linux/GNU world but eager to learn and improve.



#6817 2020-04-22 00:13:28

Registered: 2020-04-09
Posts: 8

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello world


#6818 2020-04-24 06:19:03

Registered: 2020-04-24
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello Arch!


#6819 2020-04-26 17:35:03

From: Iran
Registered: 2020-04-18
Posts: 13

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello Arch World!

I started working with linux in 2016 by ubuntu 16.04 LTS that lasted several month
till last year in the summer, I decided to move to linux seriously.... again with ubuntu
after a while I switch to Manjaro, and several days ago.... finally, ARCH smile

I'm so glad to be here and thank u all for helping and making such this amazing Linux Distribution

I'm from Iran and a student at university



#6820 2020-04-28 03:11:29

Registered: 2020-04-28
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello everybody!

I'm new to both Linux and Arch, in fact, this is my very first Linux distro. After reading nothing but praises to the Arch and Arch Wiki, I decided to for it. I installed Arch in a dual boot mode with Windows 10 and the only time I've opened Windows since then was to check if I didn't screw up smile. Big thanks to everybody involved in this community, a completely newbie like me could do it all by following the Wiki and every time I had a problem there was already an answer to a similar one here in the forum.


#6821 2020-05-01 07:39:43

Registered: 2020-05-01
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello beautiful people smile


#6822 2020-05-01 07:53:58

Registered: 2020-04-22
Posts: 32

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello everyone! New to Arch and now addicted to Arch.


#6823 2020-05-01 08:45:16

Registered: 2020-04-02
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

I am in the habit of mentally complaining to myself... I figured I should as well try and subscribe to the arch forum for the sake of my own sanity. I do eat huge amounts of jollof rice and waffels, I am partial to coffee. The road towards diabetes is long but I am very much enjoying it.


#6824 2020-05-01 13:18:20

Registered: 2020-05-01
Posts: 10

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello people!
I finally decided to join the forum!
slow, but inexorable


#6825 2020-05-04 01:45:01

From: Alpha Centauri
Registered: 2019-11-06
Posts: 11

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Salutation. I believe I am human. And, Arch is nice... I'm not entirely new, but I'm new enough (and didn't see this thread when I created my account, D'oh.)

Let me explain.

I stemmed from a long line of only having 'crummy OSes' on computers, when I finally snapped like a 2x4 getting a concrete slab slammed onto it, and whisked myself into Linux territory. Now, three distros in, I've settled on Arch, and unless I do an LFS system, I'm not going anywhere. And neither are the... 6 others that I've gotten over to Arch on their systems, heh. I have a total of four computers in my house that run Arch, ranging from my desktop (specs below), to a netbook with only 2GB of RAM.

I primarily use Arch for webpage development, studio recording (Audio), and gaming. It is a possibility that I'll host video streams in the future (I have the audio-end completely setup, so, why not), but that is to be seen. Expect to rarely see asking here, for I only seek help after I have found no solution to my issue... Which I'm about to go to.

Toodles, and, remember, if it ain't never broke once on you... Break it.

FX-8370, 24GB DDR3, Radeon RX 580. 3x1TB HDD, 1x2TB HDD, 1x128GB HDD, Sound Blaster X AE-5... 2xDiskette Drive.
-Time Be With You-


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