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Hi there! I'm spliting a package into many, which all should share the same license file. I wonder if they need separate copies into "licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE", or there is some way they could share one "licenses/$pkgbase/LICENSE"?
Keep in mind that split packages result in multiple binary packages, the license situation for each binary needs to be clear.
If a package requires a separate license file that's not (or can't be) included in /usr/share /licenses/common it needs to have that file in /usr/share/licenses/$pkgname .
See for example the extra / mesa PKGBUILD .
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Hi there! I'm spliting a package into many, which all should share the same license file. I wonder if they need separate copies into "licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE", or there is some way they could share one "licenses/$pkgbase/LICENSE"?
You need to ensure no matter which package they install, they get the license.
If all of them depend on one of the split packages, you could have each subpackage install a symlink. For example, each of the split packages in gcc install a symlink for /usr/share/licenses/gcc*/RUNTIME.LIBRARY.EXCEPTION, pointing to /usr/share/licenses/gcc-libs/RUNTIME.LIBRARY.EXCEPTION since gcc-libs is a dependency of all the gcc frontend split packages.
Managing AUR repos The Right Way -- aurpublish (now a standalone tool)
I see, thanks above.