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hi guys
i want insatll arch
on my laptop with 2 hard drive ssd 240g and hdd 1t
i want use grub (idont know why , maby becase no bug suport for uefi and easy switch between kernels
and i need to both of hard drive will be full encrypt
and sometimes I need to move my hdd
so i want not happen any issue with no hdd
somehow split
and open hdd automativly with a key file on ssd
this my first linux inatalation on my laptop
and I have very little information aboud it
I think the problem is configuration of grub, fstab and or crypttab
i put here all installation code
and pic of result
after install
after booting
after i enter my pass
it say divice dev/mapper/vg0-lv_root not found and skip fstab
and go to rootfs
Last edited by epidco (2020-04-08 17:38:04)
Welcome to the boards
Please do not embed huge images directly, and post commands and outputs in [ code ] [ /code ] tags without the spaces, and where possible post text as text and not as an image (see the contained link on pastebin clients): … s_and_code
And try to be precise with your command listings, there are a lot of things in this post alone that contain typos that would break the command as used.
Post your mkinitcpio.conf and bootloader config as files instead of vague descriptions. The cmdline in your grub.cfg references /dev/sdb3 directly, you should never do that, use the appropriate UUID
Last edited by V1del (2020-04-06 09:47:19)
okye no huge images
i edit my post and put command in tag
about text instead pic i send pic because I'm afraid I'll have a misspelling
i try my best be precise
i didn't understand what you mean by breaking the comment (but i type the command manually)
but if u think i dont see that typos, let me know them
Last edited by epidco (2020-04-08 17:37:25)
Pages: 1