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#1 2020-04-08 09:21:34

Registered: 2016-11-17
Posts: 139

vim/neovim: highlighting error messages at startup and language files

Hello !

First of all, I use the "peachpuff" theme in neovim, which is installed by default by vim or neovim.
Sometimes an error message is displayed when I open vim or neovim (e.g. problem with the swap file, error in vimrc, etc.). But the foreground color is white, and the background color is red, which is not easy to read. I thought I should be able to highlight those messages with different colors, so I added the following to my vimrc :

hi Error ctermfg=black ctermbg=red cterm=bold
hi ErrorMsg ctermfg=black ctermbg=red cterm=bold

But it doesn't change anything. The colors don't seem to be applied (whereas all the other highlightings of my vimrc work just fine)... or those startup messages don't belong to the "Error" or "ErrorMsg" groups.

Furthermore, I'd like to be able to install some language files for neovim (specifically "vim-spell-fr"), but "vim" and "vim-runtime" are dependencies of these language files, and I don't need them with neovim... Is there a way to install some standalone language files that I could use with neovim ? (I have searched in AUR, but found nothing).

Thanx for any help !


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