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Pages: 1
So my laptop currently runs a dual-boot of Manjaro and Windows 10.
After using arch on VMs I decided I want to replace my Manajaro with Arch.
I have a few questions though:
My bios mode is Legacy. Is that a problem?
Should I format the Manjaro partitions from Windows and start from scratch having nothing but windows (Not even GRUB) or should I Re-format those from the Arch installation?
How does it differ from a fresh install?
Thanks in advance,
My bios mode is Legacy. Is that a problem?
Should I format the Manjaro partitions from Windows and start from scratch having nothing but windows (Not even GRUB) or should I Re-format those from the Arch installation?
Either one would suffice - really no difference.
How does it differ from a fresh install?
It doesn't. Just don't touch your windows partition(s).
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
My bios mode is Legacy. Is that a problem?
No it's not a problem: this is mentioned in the installation guide under "Verify the boot mode"
Should I format the Manjaro partitions from Windows and start from scratch having nothing but windows (Not even GRUB) or should I Re-format those from the Arch installation?
How does it differ from a fresh install?
Do it all from the arch installation where you can use or remove your existing partitions, and reformat as you choose. It does not differ from a fresh install.
Good luck!
Pages: 1