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Hello all!
So I am a fairly new user making a good deal of progress. I was wondering if anyone knows of any list (that can be turned into a picture using a snapshot) or a picture that contains a list of important terminal commands? Something very dense in a format similar to what is below:
su -----sign in as root
cd ------ change directory
rm ------ remove
mv ------move
etc etc..
Overall the more that can be crammed into a background image the better.
The thought is that if I have a lot of these important commands but not their tags or options than I can look at my background, decide which general task I might want to do then read the --help doc for further details. This is better than internet searching because needing to look up the details each time will reinforce these commands into long term memory. I'm hoping by doing this I can go from a novice Arch user to more experienced faster, I think always seeing a solution on the internet slows down the learning process as it requires very little engagement vs having a list of options than using my own reasoning to figure out the proper solutions.
Last edited by Lemanr (2020-04-30 17:48:14)
Warning recovering help-vampire: Do not feed me help (July, 8th 2020)
Fully Recovered help-vampire (at some point late 2021)
Linux journey (approximately) Ubuntu -> Arch -> Debian -> Manjaro -> NixOs -> (attempted: unresolved hardware issues) gnu guix -> Gentoo -> Fedora -> Arch (current)
I'm doing that right now. Saw a few that were meh.
is there a terminal command that has an output similar to what I requested? If so I could just type in that command then take snap shots & edit them into a single image.
The other issue I run into is that as a novice I can't really tell which images are giving me good commands or if there are mistakes or if it's outdated or issues like these that require someone more experienced to be able to know which ones look correct.
Think I found one that is a good starting point. If anyone else has a better one (just has more commands with their general description) please share.
Last edited by Lemanr (2020-04-30 18:19:20)
Warning recovering help-vampire: Do not feed me help (July, 8th 2020)
Fully Recovered help-vampire (at some point late 2021)
Linux journey (approximately) Ubuntu -> Arch -> Debian -> Manjaro -> NixOs -> (attempted: unresolved hardware issues) gnu guix -> Gentoo -> Fedora -> Arch (current)
is there a terminal command that has an output similar to what I requested?
There's no way for your computer to know what you would think are useful commands. There is `apropos *`, which will give these commands and descriptions in about that format - but it will also give countless other man pages.
EDIT: I suppose `apropos -s 1 *` would restrict the output to commands, but this would still include countless entries you'd not likely care about. Niether apropos output would include shell builtins.
In BASH, `help -d '*'` might be of value too.
But I don't think any of these are an effective way of learning. Follow a good tutorial like some of these:
Last edited by Trilby (2020-04-30 19:10:19)
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman