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#26 2005-07-25 08:11:14

Forum Fellow
From: Victoria, Canada
Registered: 2003-05-04
Posts: 553

Re: xfce4 users please report

Lowe wrote:

If you don't already know... you have to set the "run action" in rox.

open rox, right click file to be opened, select / File 'filename' / Set Run Action... / enter the command that opens the file

Sorry i should of went into further detail. When i set the run action for ogm it makes my .txt files open with my media player. If i set the .txt files to my text editor, then when i try to open a ogm it trys to open it with the text editor. Couldn't find a fix so i had no choice but to use nautilus.

It might be that your .mime.types is skrewed.



#27 2005-07-25 13:32:50

From: MI
Registered: 2003-09-13
Posts: 89

Re: xfce4 users please report

I like gdm on my comp so I use nautilus for the file manager on xfce4 as I have most of the deps for it already.
Term = Eterm
gimp or gqview for pic viewing, editing
I don't use any straight archive util like file-roller I just use the term for extracting and such.


#28 2005-07-25 15:58:33

Registered: 2005-07-18
Posts: 10

Re: xfce4 users please report

neri wrote:
Lowe wrote:

Sorry i should of went into further detail. When i set the run action for ogm it makes my .txt files open with my media player. If i set the .txt files to my text editor, then when i try to open a ogm it trys to open it with the text editor. Couldn't find a fix so i had no choice but to use nautilus.

It might be that your .mime.types is skrewed.

That's most certanly the case. wink Anyone should probbably have to have the same problem, as rox looks for mime file types in the definitions, but those don't have the ogm extension registered. smile

The quickest fix is to install roxlib and MIME-Editor (all from the rox wiki,) to your home dir (no need for root privileges), run mime editor and add a custom mime type for files with the .ogm extension (add it to video group). Then if you for instance set rox to open all files of "video type" with mplayer, it should automagically start opening ogm files with mplayer too. smile

Of course, this approach fixes it only for one user, not systemwide. wink

Hope this helps, I would post links to the two rox utils, but the rox wiki is taking forever to load for some reason...


#29 2005-07-26 09:02:10

Registered: 2005-07-11
Posts: 89

Re: xfce4 users please report

Thanks, it's working great now. I can finally dump nautilus.


#30 2005-07-26 13:52:39

From: Washington, USA
Registered: 2005-05-02
Posts: 995

Re: xfce4 users please report

flying_icarus...would you consider adding those instructions to the wiki?  Quite a few people use ROX and probably have the exact same problem.


#31 2005-08-13 12:03:05

From: Ireland
Registered: 2004-03-25
Posts: 95

Re: xfce4 users please report

I use nice script fot randomously changing pictures from


#32 2005-08-13 23:36:41

From: Tacoma, WA
Registered: 2004-07-28
Posts: 140

Re: xfce4 users please report

I just started using xfce4. All I have to say it is awsome. I really like how it uses the GtK2 themes. The Icons, etc. I was able to setup both blackbox and fluxbox in about 2 hours-themes, etc. I thought xfce4 would be a bit more complex, was I wrong. It is easy to setup-themes, etc. I am still working on my own menus. Yet I really enjoy using it. Xfce really does not consume a whole lot of resource considering what is done, GUI wise. I try fvwm2 that complex! I really like this. I will be using this for a while.


P4 2.8Ghz @ 2.8Ghz SL6WT
Zalman CNPS7000-Cu
865PE Neo-2 LS BIOs 2.4
512mb Mushkin Level II
160GB Maxtor HD
Geforce 4 440MX
Antec 3700 1 exhaust and 1 intake fans
Linux 2.6.x
Linux user 314187


#33 2006-04-12 19:41:47

From: Santiago, Chile
Registered: 2006-04-08
Posts: 22

Re: xfce4 users please report

another XFCE4 user here..

File Manager: Thunar
Terminal: Terminal
Archive Manager: command line
Email Client: Evolution

Skin: Clearlook
Icons: A unofficial Tango set. (with no all icons used by xfce4)


#34 2006-04-13 06:02:43

Registered: 2006-04-01
Posts: 8

Re: xfce4 users please report

I try to keep away from gnome and kde so:

terminal: Terminal
file browser: emelfm2 or rox
archiver: xarchiver
mail: thunderbird
pic viewer: gqviewer
burning: graveman

and of course CLI


#35 2006-04-13 07:23:31

Registered: 2006-04-11
Posts: 6

Re: xfce4 users please report

Right now I'm on Openbox, but before I switched, I used XFCE for nearly a year (and I still like it).

File manager: I hardly ever use any GUI file manager, if I do it is Konqueror (yes, yes, I know you don't want any KDE-application  smile ) or ROX
Terminal: Terminal and rxvt-unicode
Archive manager: tar,unzip,unrar...on the command line
Email client: Thunderbird


#36 2006-04-13 13:27:04

From: Poland
Registered: 2006-03-05
Posts: 28

Re: xfce4 users please report

As an xfce-svn (from shadowhand repo) user I'm using Thunar as my fm. Previously I used ROX. Rox rocks! (Although Thunar rocks even more smile )

For terminal I'm using... Terminal. Also from SVN.

I have Xarchiver installed, but it seems to work quite weird, so I usually just type rar/zip/tar commands by hand in Terminal.

For e-mail client... There's only one way to go. Thunderbird. smile

Have You ever been...?


#37 2006-05-28 03:00:45

Registered: 2005-10-27
Posts: 6

Re: xfce4 users please report

file mangr. = gentoo #(obsession gentoo) {pacman -S gentoo}
terminal     = Terminal  #(also xterm)
archiver    = command line
mail client = any web brower,  #(only use web based email)


#38 2006-05-28 04:06:44

From: Ankara
Registered: 2006-02-17
Posts: 55

Re: xfce4 users please report

File Manager: Emelfm2
Terminal     : Terminal & Emelfm2
Archiver       : Emelfm2 ,sometimes Xarchiver
Mail            : Thunderbird


#39 2006-05-28 10:58:28

Forum Fellow
Registered: 2005-12-07
Posts: 1,054

Re: xfce4 users please report

All packages that I use with current Xfce 4.2:
File Manager: tuxcmd (I will use also Xffm 4.4 and Thunar when Xfce 4.4 final will be released)
Terminal: Terminal
Archiver: Xarchiver
Samba Browser: g2sc (also samba plugin for Xffm 4.4 is much more usable than in current Xffm so maybe I will use Xffm for samba browsing too)
Mail: mozilla-hunderbird, gnubiff-gtk
Browser: mozilla-firefox
Text Editor: leafpad (I will change to Mousepad when Xfce 4.4 final will be released)
Code Editor: tea, medit
Image Editor: mtpaint, gimpshop
Image Viewer: gimageview (you can use many others: gqview, gimmage, mirage, gliv, feh, qiv)
PDF Viewer: epdfview
Audio Player: bmp (+ bmp-wma, bmp-docklet, bmp-songchange, bmp-find, bmp-crossfade, bmp-itouch, amidi-plug, dumb-bmp) (there is also gqmpeg, audacious, gxmms2)
Video Player: gxine (I plan to switch to Xfmedia when I'll upgrade to Xfce 4.4)
BitTorrent Client: transmission
File Downloader: d4x (Downloader For X) (also urlgfe is nice)
Messenger: gaim (+ guification)
The only problem is RSS/Atom feed reader (see for details).

to live is to die


#40 2006-07-23 14:44:42

From: Nicosia, Cyprus
Registered: 2006-06-10
Posts: 47

Re: xfce4 users please report

I wanted to start using xfce4, installed xfce4-svn from shadowhand's repo, followed the instructions from the wiki and when i run startx or startxfce4 i get a screen with a background and no right/left click menus, no panels, just an empty UNUSABLE desktop... The only thing i can do is ALT+F4 to logout. I have tried xfce4 from extra with the same results.
What should i do to be able to use xfce4?


#41 2006-07-23 15:48:27

From: Ankara
Registered: 2006-02-17
Posts: 55

Re: xfce4 users please report

add this line to your .xinitrc :

exec xfce4-session

than use startx command..


#42 2006-07-23 20:31:07

From: Nicosia, Cyprus
Registered: 2006-06-10
Posts: 47

Re: xfce4 users please report

i've already tried that and it didn't work... maybe someone who has a working xfce desktop can post his .xinitrc and .xfce files?

Edit: NVM, i removed xfce4 because it gave me a seg fault when starting firefox


#43 2006-07-24 02:48:20

From: Australia
Registered: 2005-09-27
Posts: 74

Re: xfce4 users please report

I just recently began using E17 again, but I was previously using Xfce from SVN.

File Manager: Nautilus. There's something about Thunar I don't like.
Terminal: xterm
Archiver: file-roller or xarchiver
Email: Thunderbird

- Rpg Cyco


#44 2006-07-24 12:56:22

Forum Fellow
Registered: 2005-12-07
Posts: 1,054

Re: xfce4 users please report

How did you install xfce4 from extra?

pacman -S xfce4

and then answer Y for most packages.
Then startxfce4 works fine.
Maybe you should also remove your xfce-svn config files before installing xfce.

Another problem might be if you use locale which has non-latin chars and don't have proper ttf/type1 fonts.

to live is to die


#45 2006-08-30 15:16:03

From: Warsaw in Poland
Registered: 2006-08-20
Posts: 23

Re: xfce4 users please report

alexpnx wrote:

I wanted to start using xfce4, installed xfce4-svn from shadowhand's repo, followed the instructions from the wiki and when i run startx or startxfce4 i get a screen with a background and no right/left click menus, no panels, just an empty UNUSABLE desktop... The only thing i can do is ALT+F4 to logout. I have tried xfce4 from extra with the same results.
What should i do to be able to use xfce4?

I have already reinstall arch and now I use only xfce-svn, without gnome. I was using it with gnome before and everything was OK, but now, w/o gnome i had similar problem. when i logged in i saw only black backgrund, no right-click menu, but menu on bottom panel was working good. I've found that problem is with thunar. it needs libfam (or famlib - I don't remember) library (pacman -S fam). Gnome and KDE uses fam, so when you are using Gnome/KDE applications you probably have fam installed, but this may be a problem when you have only xfce (I dont' know if the problem is only with svn).

and my favourite applications in xfce:
file manager - thunar, mc-mp
terminal - terminal
archiver - xarchiver and commands in terminal
pic view - gqview
pic edit - gimp
internet browsing - firefox
mail - gmail via www
video - mplayer
music - xmms, maybe i will install quodlibet but now i don't have big mp3 collection so i don't need it.
IM - gajim
office - openoffice
text editor (and TeX editor) - tea
login manager - none (because i'm the only user of my computer) or slim

"Physics is like sex: sure, it may give some practical results, but that's not why we do it."
Richard P. Feynman.


#46 2006-08-30 15:41:29

From: Denmark
Registered: 2006-07-11
Posts: 86

Re: xfce4 users please report

File-manager: Thunar
File-Archiver: Xarchiver
Term: URxvt
Editor: Bluefish, Nano
Browser: Mozilla Firefox
Mail-client: Evolution

I'm using Xfce4.4-svn big_smile

// Kris

"Penquins, Penquins, über alles!"


#47 2006-08-30 23:26:16

Registered: 2006-02-10
Posts: 386

Re: xfce4 users please report



#48 2006-08-31 23:38:25

From: Warsaw in Poland
Registered: 2006-08-20
Posts: 23

Re: xfce4 users please report

Ok, I have another question about Xfce - why are you (hmm... are we wink) using this? Is it only for old computers?

On my computer KDE works great, but it's too big (many application that i don't want - for example: povmodeller, superkaramba, XMMS etc), and tries to do with my computer more than I want. It provides tons of automagic configurators, switches etc, tries to be soooooo userfriendly.
On the other hand, Xfce is light, and provides only base applications, I can have only one music player, graphic editing pgoram etc. I have more choice what to use, what have installed.

i know it's quite off topic, but all this list are so similar... maybe this question bring some life here wink

"Physics is like sex: sure, it may give some practical results, but that's not why we do it."
Richard P. Feynman.


#49 2006-09-01 12:59:15

Pavel Jackoff
Registered: 2006-08-05
Posts: 30

Re: xfce4 users please report

ok, the list first (xfce-svn):
file manager: thunar, but i use it rarely
terminal: terminal
editor: leafpad (since nedit hates utf-8 & composite managers)
archiver: xarchiver, but mostly cli
browser: firefox
mail: gmail
videor: xine-ui
music: beep media player
im: sim, even though it needs kdelibs, i like it too much
irc: xchat
office: openoffice
ide: eclipse
p2p: amule
image browsing: gqview
document viewer: evince

so why do i use xfce over kde/gnome?
well, you already gave most of my reasons for it. my computer is quite new and would be able to handle any desktop. i like xfce because it easy to customize it, even more so with the upcoming version 4.4. with 4.4 (or current svn-version) you can have multiple panels and they are customizable in many ways. the tasbar for example ist just a second panel with the task list plugin, so if you want, you can have it look almost like kde/gnome/windows.
xfce just tries to be a good, small desktop, nothing more. there are currently more programs to become part of the xfce-family than before, like xfmedia or xfburn, but they are completely optional (and not really mature by now).
the only things i'm not quite happy with at the moment are my problem with multi-launchers ( and the fact that xfwm4's compositor puts a big dent on opengl performance, but i guess, that's what every composite manger does and maybe it will improve till 4.4 is released.

just give xfce a try. it's really nice. i suggest using xfce-svn from the xfce-svn repo. it's already very stable and never crashed here running several days.


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