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I am trying to dual boot Arch and Windows 10 onto my NvMe SSD. The first time around, pacstrap failed so I went back to Windows to create the bootable USB again (it has worked for me a couple of times before).
This time around, in
ISO Mode: Arch doesn't start. My laptop blinks the back-lit keyboard at boot but the lights stay on and nothing appears on the screen.
DD Mode: Arch starts but enters Kernel Panic because of a read error.
I've tried to install ArcoLinux and ArchLabs but I face the same problem as Arch.
Edit [Hardware info]: I have a HP USB 3.0 plugged into a 3.0 port. Laptop is a Acer Swift 3 with 512 SSD with 129 GB partitioned for the Linux installation. The laptop is UEFI and I've tried to use MBR as well as GPT.
Edit [Integrity & USB] The .iso image is complete and there is no issue with my USB stick.
Any ideas on how to get past it? Thanks.
Last edited by faultyAnarchy (2020-05-04 07:06:25)
What hardware are you talking about?
What hardware are you talking about?
I have a HP USB 3.0 plugged into a 3.0 port. Laptop is a Acer Swift 3 with 512 SSD with 129 GB partitioned for the Linux installation. The laptop is UEFI and I've tried to use MBR as well as GPT.
Did you verify the integrity of the image? Are you sure the USB stick isn't broken?
If you're using Rufus then "DD" [sic] mode is needed for isohybrid images. I think Win32DiskImager may be a better option though.
Jin, Jîyan, Azadî
Did you verify the integrity of the image? Are you sure the USB stick isn't broken?
Yes, I did. The image is complete and the USB stick is completely functional.
If you're using Rufus then "DD" [sic] mode is needed for isohybrid images. I think Win32DiskImager may be a better option though.
Hmm, I'll give it a try.
sounds like the DD needs to be done. I had similiar issue when I tried Arch for the very first time.
it's been a few hours, how did it go?
Some people report problems booting the may iso, try the april iso instead.
Last edited by Lone_Wolf (2020-05-05 12:03:34)
Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.
clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky
Some people report problems booting the may iso, try the april iso instead.
I have the not booting issue with the April and May ISOs.
Not so with the March. However, as suggested by loqs I recreated the ISO for March 9 which booted fine. Then recreated it for March 10 and it didn't. That's the day a new version of systemd 245 moved to stable. Coincidence?
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