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#1 2020-05-10 04:01:18

From: Korea
Registered: 2019-05-19
Posts: 73

Submitting a -git AUR package for a themepack


I'm a big fan of the adapta colorpack theme, but the one in the AUR is quite old, while a new person is maintaining it at a different github repo. I have been using my own PKGBUILD to install an up-to-date theme on my system, and I'm prepared to submit it to the AUR under the name adapta-colorpack-git, but I'm not a 100% sure that what I'm doing aligns well with the submission guidelines.

The current package in the AUR: adapta-gtk-theme-colorpack
The github address: (Last modified: 2 years ago)

My source for the themes: (Last modified: 13 hours ago)

I was about to submit my version to the AUR, but I'm not exactly sure if it makes any sense. Is there any advantage in using the old version which would justify having both an old, unchanging, proven version in the AUR alongside the new, constantly updated (and Gnome 3.36 proof by the admission of the author, I haven't tested that) one?
Would it be better practice just to notify the maintainer of the adapta-gtk-theme-colorpack package to switch to the new repo? Or are we better off as a community if we have both old and new packages?

Thank you in advance for your insights!

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#2 2020-05-10 04:12:45

Registered: 2010-05-06
Posts: 6,688

Re: Submitting a -git AUR package for a themepack

If the upstream name is "adapta-gtk-theme-colorpack", then don't omit the "-gtk". The Correct name for your package is "adapta-gtk-theme-colorpack-git".

If you want to submit a -git package that automatically installs the latest git commit instead of a fixed version, then go ahead. $PACKAGE and $PACKAGE-git usually co-exist peacefully. However, if you just want to submit a fixed new version, then you should follow the rules as mentioned here: … ut-of-date


#3 2020-05-10 04:28:07

From: Korea
Registered: 2019-05-19
Posts: 73

Re: Submitting a -git AUR package for a themepack

Awebb wrote:

If the upstream name is "adapta-gtk-theme-colorpack", then don't omit the "-gtk". The Correct name for your package is "adapta-gtk-theme-colorpack-git".

If you want to submit a -git package that automatically installs the latest git commit instead of a fixed version, then go ahead. $PACKAGE and $PACKAGE-git usually co-exist peacefully. However, if you just want to submit a fixed new version, then you should follow the rules as mentioned here: … ut-of-date

Thanks for the quick reply!

Yeah, I'm using the latest git commit from github.
When naming the package, I decided for the "adapta-colorpack-git" because the new upstream on github calls it "Adapta-Colorpack". But it is definitely a continuation of the old "adapta-gtk-theme-colorpack", so if your advice is to follow the old naming convention, I'll rename the package.

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#4 2020-05-10 04:42:48

Registered: 2014-08-08
Posts: 4,097

Re: Submitting a -git AUR package for a themepack

I'd argue the fork you want to use is doing it all wrong by forking another project then changing the name. So I'd leave it with the old name. It has the advantage of clearly showing the relationship between the two packages, and also, it's just... a lot more obvious what the name means.

Last edited by eschwartz (2020-05-10 04:43:25)

Managing AUR repos The Right Way -- aurpublish (now a standalone tool)


#5 2020-05-10 05:15:01

Registered: 2010-05-06
Posts: 6,688

Re: Submitting a -git AUR package for a themepack

eschwartz wrote:

I'd argue the fork you want to use is doing it all wrong by forking another project then changing the name. So I'd leave it with the old name. It has the advantage of clearly showing the relationship between the two packages, and also, it's just... a lot more obvious what the name means.

That's what I thought at first, but...

This theme use the ideia of Adapta Colorpack created by Ivankra, the main objective of this theme is the correction of missing things in stock and Ivankra version!

The commit history doesn't read like a fork, looks like somebody put it all together manually.


#6 2020-05-10 05:26:52

From: Korea
Registered: 2019-05-19
Posts: 73

Re: Submitting a -git AUR package for a themepack

The other issue at hand is the versioning.
For me, on my own system, I didn't really care much to modify the git version:

$ git describe --long --tags

So I just used it as it came (edit: with sed 's/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g'). If I name it consistent with the previous package, "adapta-gtk-theme-colorpack", then I should indicate that this is newer, maybe add "4." to the beginning, as the "adapta-gtk-theme-colorpack" version in the AUR is currently .
What would be the best practice for versioning here?

I just decided to name this package "adapta-gtk-theme-colorpack-joshaby-git" to reflect that this is not the original but the remake, and just added "1." to the start of the version.

Last edited by TarsolyGer (2020-05-10 10:30:59)

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