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Pages: 1
Targets: glibc-2.4-2
Total Package Size: 10.0 MB
Proceed with upgrade? [Y/n]
checking package integrity... done.
loading package data... done.
checking for file conflicts... done.
upgrading glibc...
could not extract usr/share/i18n/locales/ar_TN: Permission denied
errors occurred while upgrading glibc
==> Locales are no longer included in the glibc package.
==> They are generated by /usr/sbin/locale-gen depending on the contents
==> of /etc/locale.gen.
==> glibc will try to autodetect the required locales now, if you need
==> additional locales, please enable them in /etc/locale.gen and run
==> /usr/sbin/locale-gen
/var/lib/pacman/local/glibc-2.4-2/install: line 25: usr/sbin/locale-gen: No such file or directory
which package is missing?
locale-gen is part of glibc. just run it manually so it can do its thing. seems like there's a typo in the glibc.install file, the leading slash is missing so locale-gen won't be run correctly unless $PWD is / which would be unusual imo.
locale-gen is also missing
[root@myhost ~]# locate locale-gen
[root@myhost ~]# cd /var/abs/base/glibc/
[root@myhost glibc]# sh locale-gen
Generating locales...
en_US.ISO-8859-1...locale-gen: line 39: localedef: command not found
[root@myhost glibc]#
I copied locale-gen and localdef from the notebook. But I have no permissions as root to write in /usr/share/i18n/locales (as root)
How can I fix it :?:
change the permission of the directory to 751 with chmod
root has no permissions to do this
Boot in single user mode and run a filesystem consistency check. Your filesystem is broken and needs repair. If the filesystem is XFS, you have to reboot with a lifecd to get it repaired, xfs_check and xfs_repair won't check mounted volumes.
Pages: 1